
Saturday, November 01, 2014

The Week in Junk: Colorful Finds

I went to a couple of thrifts on Friday and to several yard sales today.  I know that the days of yard sales are coming to an end with the cold weather coming this soon.  (It was 31 this morning  - in Arkansas!) So, I am trying to hit as many as I can while they are still out there.  

This is a bunch of odd stuff, but the colors all looked great together.  A nice wooden crate for booth display, a turquoise play phone, handful of old metal cookie cutters ( I seem to be on a roll of finding those lately), a vintage Sleeping beauty book with nice color plates for framing, a set of six stacking mugs, a set of 1972 Wilton fondant cutters and a dozen play store eggs that I put in a vintage egg carton I had.  There are two different shades of yarn from two different dress kits from the 1960's. There are six skeins of one and five skeins of another.  The medal is a teaching award from the 1960's.  I bought a whole handful of Native American sterling rings, that medal, dog tags, little keys and some other things for 25¢.
The blues had their turn  now for some red's:  A vintage Red Riding Hood book, a candle blowmold just like the one I got last week, a great old biscuit tin with the Mayflower on it and a Red Cross Storybook doll - she is a three in one doll and really sweet.  The yo yo doll I actually saw at a yard sale last weekend for $10.00 (that's very old, etc.).  I bought it at the Super Cheap Thrift today for 50¢.  

The Cooky Book is another cook book I always buy and it always sells.  I found four different baggies of cookie cutters today at four sales.  'Tis the season!

I bought a gallon size baggie full of keys for $5.00.  The lady gave me the storybook doll since I bought the keys.  I always have a tin of keys at The Junk Ranch for 50¢ each and you wouldn't believe how many I sell.  Men and kids just love to paw through them.  

That buggy thing isn't something I would normally even buy, but it was 50¢, so I grabbed it.  Maybe I can stick a vintage doll in it or something and put it in the booth.  I love old tins for storage and this one has NUTS all over it and I am NUTS, so there you go!  :)  The wooden thing is a very old tripod that folds up and closes with a leather band.  It's really neat.  I just wish I would have paid more attention to it before I folded it up.  Help!  

I pulled all this gingham out of a bag of crappy polyester fabrics.  I love it that there is chicken scratch started on the black.  I love gingham, but I don't have a speck of it in my house.

These little vintage dolls have on their socks and shoes but are otherwise nekkid.  

I buy Bundt pans for making wreaths and that is why I picked this one up.  But then I came to my senses when I realized that it is THE perfect PINK color.  I saw a blog once where they had tons of bundt pans all in different colors all around their kitchen.  It was so lovely!  This one will have to hang near my birthday cake collection.  

I hit some good vintage stuff at the Salvation Army yesterday which rarely ever happens.  Some German wooden ornaments, a glass Santa and an old blown glass Santa ornament.  The Irmi lamp was at another Little Old Lady thrift for ONE DOLLAR.  :)  

In the center is this party Valentine party favor.  He is from the 1930's or 1940's, I think,  His legs are candy wrapped in cellophane.  The candy is still in there!  Cool!  And, also Yuck!  I just love him so much.  He will go in my party collection too.  

A good weekend in junk - a lot to sell, some projects and a couple things for me.  


I hope your weekend was perfection too!


  1. Cookybook... looks like something I need. I've been watching you're auction... can't wait to see how it ends. I wanted a vintage Blythe doll once. Not going to happen anytime soon. Congrats, such a great buy!!

  2. Anonymous12:42 AM

    You certainly find the bargains, I love looking at your photos of what you find. I concentrate on my supermarket bargains to feed the family because if I started buying the gorgeous things you find I would want to keep them all and never part with anything.

  3. I love all the things you found! Great grouping them in colors. I am having a thrift fit as I haven't been to one for a week! Have a great week!

  4. Yay on that money making scary doll! I'd go buy a JT ticket. Immediately.


  5. For some reason I am ridiculously excited over your ebay doll ding*dings! Hope it goes up and up! Merry Christmas!

  6. The junking overlords were looking out for you this week, for sure! Great finds and I love the color-coordinated photos. Good luck with the dings!!!

  7. What a fun weekend! Love all the blues together and then the reds! It's fun to see things grouped together. So happy you aren't going to change that pink bundt pan...I love it as is! It's cold today so I think the outside junkin is about done!

  8. Wow what a great junking weekend! Good for you! Love all the blues together and I can't believe you found an IRMI lamp for a buck, score!

  9. Good finds. I think the yard sale season is pretty much done here, I haven't found anything lately and didn't even go out yesterday since it was pretty cold. I love the color groups, and (for me anyway) it's always a great day to find yarn.

  10. Those vintage nekkid dolls are just so darn cute! And I'm so jonesin' on that tin of keys!!!!!!! Don't know why I like them so much but I do. But then I like just about everything. You have great luck finding the neatest things!!

  11. $515.00 - NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Your Blythe auction - can you say Merry Christmas!!

  13. Shara, I had never even seen those dolls you found before. So happy for you that the Blythe doll is selling for big bucks. Can't wait to see it on your side bar under junk I've sold.

  14. Great finds, Shara. No sales here - rained all day Saturday and we don't have any local thrifts that are reasonable. Amazing finish on your Blythe doll. Sweet find!

  15. The glass Santa head in your 2nd to the last photo is a light cover for a string of mini or twinkle lights. It is missing the rubber insert that holds it on to the light bulb. I have that one and a number of others. Over time the rubber dries out so either it no longer a sticks in the light cover or to the bulb. I love looking at your purchases!


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