
Monday, October 20, 2014

My Little Lady

This post is mostly for me.  I know you will leave me comments but I am not sure that I will be able to respond to them.  So, thank you in advance.
 Today, we lost our very sweet and wonderful Little Lady.  She was my constant shadow and just the sweetest little girl ever.  When I spotted her on the porch. all those years ago, I knew she was to be ours.  I worked hard to get her in the house, luring her with food every day until one day I was able to pick her up and bring her in.  It was a cold January Day and she was just a tiny thing.  She ran into my office, straight into the closet and I didn't see her again for almost 48 hours.  I really thought she must have died since she was gone so long.  I dug around in the closet - ebay storage, you know - and found her in a tiny curled up heap on a teddy bear's lap sleeping soundly.  She had been on the run, scared and cold for so long.  She could finally rest.  
 About six years ago, she started having seizures.  Man, that was scary.  She had them every two months of so for the past six years.  She always came back to me, like I willed her to do every time. She was such a good girl.  Because of those seizures, we checked on her constantly throughout the day to make sure she was safe and unhurt.  It was apart of our day.  Our routine.

About a three months ago, I noticed a lump on her side.  It grew fast and I knew nothing could be done at her age.  I just held my breath.  She remained sweet and healthy but she slept more each day.  She still ate and did her usual kitty routine though.  Last week one of her eyes went blood red and I knew she was blind in one eye.  But, still she acted like she felt okay and did her usual things.  This weekend, Just as fast, her other eye did the same thing.  She was lost in her own home.  She couldn't find her water or food.  I was devastated.  The Bean can't remember not having her in our lives.  This morning, she took a turn for the worse and within on hour, I made a painful decision, took her to the vet and it was all over.  They were so kind to me and to her.  I wrapped her in her quilt and they let me have time with her.  I have never had to do this with a pet before - it was so very hard.  But, I am peace tonight because just as quickly as she came into our lives all those years ago - she left us today. 

I love you Little Lady.  
I will love you forever and remember you always.  


  1. Shara I am truly sorry for your loss. I know how I feel about my Charlie and so I understand completely. It's hard to see them ill and know we are watching them go, but at least you got to say goodbye to her. Don't feel like to you need to respond to comments. Jut know I am sending you love and hugs! She gave you many years of love and happiness!


  2. Oh Shara, I am so sorry to hear this. You did the right thing by her and she knows it, please don't feel bad about it! She was obviously a very loved kitty and the story of finding her in the closet in the teddy bear's lap is so sweet. Hugs to you.

  3. She was lucky to have her time with a family who loved her. One couldn't ask for more. I'm sorry for your loss.

  4. I''m so sorry to hear about Little Lady! So unfair that we have such little time with our beloved pets. This song was a great comfort to me when my three dogs died over the years. I'm tearing up now as I think of them. I hope it brings you comfort too:

    Because I'm on your side And I still care
    I may have died But I've gone nowhere
    Just think of me And I'll be there

  5. Shara, I am so sorry you lost Little Lady. It is so hard when you have had a constant companion pet for so long. I know how you feel as we had to take our 18 year old cat to the vet a few years ago and it was so hard. I still miss her but love all the memories. Little Lady was so lucky to live in your home and share her life with you. Hugs are being sent your way!

  6. I know the pain our Sadie was a stray who adopted us and she was 20 when she got cancer and we had to do the same thing. I am so very sorry for your loss. It is never easy I will say we do not have any other pets at this time is was too hard to lose her.
    thinking of you

  7. So sorry for your loss, Shara. I've lost three beloved cats over the years and it's never ever an easy thing. Even though you know they were loved and cared for and happy and safe while they were with you. Little Lady found you all those years ago and will always be with you. Hugs!

  8. I believe that our pets are a part of our lives just as much as our children are. Of course we are going to feel and immense loss when they leave us. Your little Lady was lucky to have you.


  9. I'm so sorry Little Lady is gone. When she needed a family you were her guardian angel. You loved, protected and care for her as long as you were able. Now she will be there to meet you when your time has come. Sweet dreams until then.

  10. Hugs to you my friend. She had the best home ever and knew she was loved.

  11. Sending a great big hug across the miles!

  12. Shara, I'm so sorry and sad to read your post. Sending hugs to you...

  13. Shara, I am so sorry. Sounds like she was a wonderful kitty. Sending you, The Bean and The Breadman a big hug.

  14. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Dear Miss Shara, unless you have experienced this kind of loss you can't understand how devastating it is. That kind of unconditional love is not to be taken lightly and your family didn't. She was sent to the right place all those years ago. Fondly, Janet K.

  15. You can tell she was well cared for. What a beauty. They say part of being a responsible pet owner means knowing when to let them go and not letting them suffer. It's a lot harder than it sounds. I know. I've been there. Lots of positive thoughts for you and your family at this sad time.

  16. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I am so very sorry. Please know that no one could have loved her more than you did, and she felt your love every minute of her life. She was blessed to have you and you were blessed to have her.

  17. momsav7:34 PM

    My heart aches for you. We put our beautiful Maggie down on Wed. (Lab) They're always in our hearts.

  18. Knowing when it is time to end it is so very hard. She had a great life with a great family.

    Be well

  19. Shara,
    I am so sorry you had to put your sweet kitty down. It sounds like she loved you and trusted you a lot, and had a great life. I had to put my dog down in May, we had her for 16 years so I know exactly how you are feeling. I was only recently able to even think about getting another pet and about a month ago I adopted two kittens. They have brought us so much laughter and joy! It is too soon now, but someday when your heart is hurting a little less, I hope another sweet kitty finds it way to your home and heart. Hugs

  20. So sorry Shara. (((hugs)))

  21. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I am so sorry to hear! we lost our kittyboy, Indy (18.3) on the 12th and I am still a mess. My heart hurts for you.

  22. So very sorry! How wonderful that she found you and you took her in to share a great life for so many years. I've been through this too many times and it never gets easier but we bear it for the sake of all the joy our pets bring us and knowing that we can bring them happiness, too.

  23. Aww, Shara, I am so sorry. She brought joy into your lives, and you brought joy into hers. Having to say goodbye is never easy, but you did the right thing. Thinking of you. :-(

  24. This was a heartbreaking post. You did justice to your sweet Little Lady with your heartfelt words. Thinking about you, the Bean, and Little Lady every day.


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