
Saturday, September 06, 2014

My Birthday Boy

Happy Birthday to The Bean.  

I "like" you too!

This kid is not so much a kid anymore.  He is the sweetest, most thoughtful person I have ever met.  He is kind hearted and sensitive and not like most boys his age.  He worries about me and the cats and our lives and our future.  He is well read and smart.  Several times a day he tells me things that he knows and even though I home schooled him, I have no idea where he learned the things he knows. He is the best thing I have ever done in my life.  I am proud to be his Mama (even though he has never called me that).

Happy Birthday kiddo.  You and me - we're stuck like glue. ;)


  1. A son to be proud of for sure Shara! Happy Birthday to the Bean!

  2. Sounds like an awesome kid, Shara. You are one lucky mama for sure! Happy Birthday Bean!!


  3. Birthday blessings to your son! Your special young man shares a birthday with my husband. Celebrations all around.

  4. He sounds like a wonderful young man. You did good!

  5. Happy, Happy Birthday to you, Mr. C. May this new year of your life be filled with good things and happy times!

  6. A good kid to have. I feel like I feel like I know him and have watched him grow up. You should be proud Shara. Happy Birthday to The Bean!

  7. Happy Birthday!

  8. You raised a sweet and thoughtful young man. Congrats and Happy B-Day to The Bean!

  9. Happy Birthday to us Bean!

  10. Happy birthday, Bean! You've made your mama proud. Great job, Shara! You should be proud of yourself for raising a fine son.

  11. Such a handsome young man! And a good son.

  12. Happy Birthday, Bean! You have yourself a great Mama there!

  13. Happy Birthday, Bean and many more to come.

  14. Happy, happy, birthday and a wish for many, many, more!


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