
Thursday, August 28, 2014

When I Win The Lottery

Those are words that my parents often spoke and words I still speak.    Everyone talks of new cars, a big house, trips around the world, diamonds and other BIG THINGS.  But, so far I have only thought of two things I want for sure when I win the lottery.

1.  I will eat all my food of brightly colored party plates from the party store.  I will use fun patterned two ply dinner napkins and dine with colored plastic forks that match.  Everything just seems more special on a party plate!

2.  I will have a glass door freezer installed in my house like the ones at the supermarket and my house will be on the Blue Bell Ice Cream route.  The guy in the white suit will come and stock my freezer with all the different varieties of Blue Bell ice cream.  No more deciding which flavor to buy.

Oh, don't you worry - I will most likely also buy THE BIGGEST HOUSE EVER and a cute vintage camper and a 1960's aqua pick up truck to pull it and I will pay someone to clean my house and do my laundry and I will hire a chef and a driver to take me to yard sales ('cause, HELLO, I'm never NOT going to go to yard sales) and I will have 60" plasma big screens in every room and I will pay Justin Timberlake to come perform at my house JUST FOR ME.

What would you do if you won the Lottery?  Something silly or something grandiose?


  1. This post totally made my morning! Let me know when JT is arriving to preform!

  2. This is a great post and how different we think,
    I would have a lovely cottage by a beautiful lake. with the house next door belonging to my daughter and her family so I can see my grandbaby everyday. I will have a house cleaner and a gardener. That is all I need I will use my old dishes and still pick the dump (it's the hunt)

  3. I want airconditioning and a paved, no dirt/gravel driveaway immediately. I would stop working and devote myself to going vintage. I would have a housekeeper and a gardener (got that idea from Cathy) and I would pay for college for my kids. If I spent the day here, I'm sure I could think of more. Sheryl

  4. It would be a tiny house so the kids left home , acres of woodland and his and hers playrooms for our hobbies

  5. I always say that if I went the lottery I am going to go on eBay and buy EVERY SINGLE BUTTON they have for sale. But just once and then I will stop being greedy and share again.

  6. ...AHHHHH, The Dream...
    We (J&I) would have a second home on St. John where year round the temps during the day are mid-80s and a night mid-70s!
    OF COURSE we would keep a home up here too, 'cause I would miss the changing season of FALL too much!!
    I don't think that there is much garage saling on St. John ~ we would be doing LOADS of travelling to visit BLOG Buddies for a FIX!

  7. And you will fly me to your house, in a private jet no less, to watch said JT performance with you....



  8. I would buy a house for me and one for my daughter and her family!

  9. I would hire my favorite massage lady to come to my house EVERY SINGLE DAY and give me a massage in my own private massage room and then I would take a nap afterwards on that warm table, in the nice dark room with the soothing music playing. Ahhhhh....

  10. Well, I HAVE won the lottery. Back in the 90's. It didn't really change my life that much and believe it or not, the money is all gone. Yep, $2 just doesn't go as far as you'd think!

    1. I think I tinkled when I LOL'd at this one.

  11. I would buy my beach house of course. I would also travel the country with Amy and we would go to lots of vintage flea markets and shows.

    1. Hey -- that's what I was going to say!

  12. We'd have a house at the beach for sure, but it would be awesome to build a family compound so everyone could look out for everyone else. My ulterior motive there would be to have someone on hand all the time to watch our pups so they'd never have to be alone. And, since we'd have the extra help, we'd probably get more pups, too! And of course, we'd still be junkin'!

  13. Well, quit my job and come live near you. I would love to have a store to sell our wares with a workshop and storage attached so we didn't have to haul the crap around. We could build the "glampers" of our dreams and do whatever the HELL we wanted, when we wanted. Attend every damn Junkapalooza and craft fair til we puked. I would buy you season tix to the Razorbacks so you could attend with Breadman, LOL.

  14. I would have custom cowboy boots made. I have 9 E women's feet, and have always wanted black boots with red lacquered heels, and have never been able to afford them.....then, an Airstream to take the family on adventures....yes. that would be great

  15. We often say what we'd do when we win the lottery, but we hardly ever play it! But it would probably involve land in our Home state of Texas.

  16. I honestly haven't given it much thought because I never buy the lottery tickets so I guess I don't have a very good chance of winning do I? I love that you are still going to go to yard sales (I would too).


  17. Ah.. I'd take the burden of never having enough money from my kids shoulders. Maybe a nice beach house on Cape Cod.....


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