
Monday, August 11, 2014

The Week in Junk: My Heart is Happy

Despite not going to any yard sales this weekend, I still managed to acquire a good amount of junk.  And by "junk" I mean wonderful lovely vintage goodness that I cannot even believe that I now own.

Early last week the mail lady knocked on the door with a hugely gigantic box.  "It's a big one!" she said.
Inside the box was the green basket weave tin picnic basket that I have been lusting after for YEARS. When I picked it up, it rattled so I opened it and the other green basket was inside IT!  I was gobsmacked!  Add in a couple of German paper eggs, a slew of pricey Flea market-y magazines and a a few other items that didn't make it in the photo and you have yourself one HELL of a box of HAPPY MAIL.  All of this goodness came from Chicago from Chanelle a long time blog reader and Instagram follower.  I mean, seriously, how nice was that?  And generous.  And thoughtful.  Oh my.  How very thoughtful.  Thank you Chanelle.  

I still had the goosebumps from kindness about that box when I had a message on IG from Amy the Junk Ranch founder to come out to a sale she was having and pick up some things "I think you might like".  Now Amy runs the Junk Ranch and has lots of avenues for selling, so I don't know why she decided to just GIVE me these things, but she did.  (I have persuaded her to take a bread rack for her supplies, so that makes me feel a bit less greedy and overwhelmed.) 

I know you can't see all the goodness in this photo, but there are vintage chocolate tins, an old metal toy drum, a sweet old bunny, a wonderful print, baby toys, old cards and ephemera, baby hangers and a bunch of other wonderful old vintage sweetness.  It is all in this amazing old wooden rolling play pen that has the sweetest graphics and it even chimes when you pull it.  I think I am going to devise a way to hang it and use it as a display shelf.  It is just way to sweet for it's own good.  Thank you so much Amy.  

I haven't figured out why people are so good to me.  I do try to pay it forward and be a good person.  But, I am always just amazed at how very nice people can be in this world.  The stuff, the things - it's all great - but really - it's the nice-ness and the love that really gets to me.  It really makes my heart happy.  :) 


  1. You are blessed. What wonderful generous friends. Enjoy all your special treasures!

  2. What a great gift!

  3. Holy cow! You must be one really special person to get two picnic baskets at once!!! I think it's wonderful that people (you can include me in on that list) think that much of you!

  4. You are so lucky to have such generous friends. Especially the kind that give you vintage treasures!!


  5. EBOR... EBOR... EBOR...
    YOU give everyone SO Much of your heart, it's bound to bounce back at you!!

  6. Paying it forward..what goes around comes around...a good attitude to have in life.
    Great surprises and how it makes one happy!

  7. I have found the generous nature of blog friends to be amazing. You pay it forward for sure so It's nice to see it come back to you! Love it all and I know you are thrilled!

  8. Those are such wonderful gifts!! The talented and generous tribe of women out here in blogland is such an amazing blessing.

  9. How nice to receive these gifts! Yes blog friends are so very kind and generous. Enjoy your wonderful treasures.


  10. it's called KARMA and in a GOOD way. Much deserved!

  11. Obviously Shara, you get what you give.....and it's all GOOD!

  12. Great presents! The tin lunchboxes are the best though, love them! Need them! I have one more present for you. Will be in town on Saturday so email me maybe we can exchange numbers and meet up!

  13. The kindness of people is overwhelming... It renews my faith in human nature. Enjoy your gifts.... I know you'll pay it forward.


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