
Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Weekend in Junk

I went to a lot of yard sales on Thursday and Friday.  Well, a lot for me.  I haven't been out to any for a long time!  I think I went to five on Thursday and six on Friday.  That's a lot isn't it?  :)

I drove out to Hogeye Road for the first sale.  I tell you this only because people like to snicker at the name 'Hogeye'.  *Snicker*  When I drove up the driveway - I was in heaven.  There were probably twenty five tables set up all covered in STUFF.  My kind of sale!  And then, it got better everything was PRICED!  And, it was cheap! In the end, I mostly found smalls 'cause that's my thing and I didn't feel like dealing with dishes or big stuff.

This is a mixture of stuff from different sales.  The First Aid kit is from 1984 which isn't as old as the really cool ones, but it's metal and still neat looking PLUS it has all the stuff in it!  And, it was only $1.00.  It will go with the 4th of July stuff then find a home in the bathroom after that.  

I thought the Mickey Mouse hat was old, but it's new.  That shows you how much I know about Disney (nada). The Grapette thing is an old book with a paper cover on it.  That's one of the books I was looking at in my previous post.  When I asked 'What would you do?' Ii was really asking would you reach in front of someone and take something like that?  And, from your responses - I can tell that most of you would NOT!  Yea for you!  I never would have done that nor would I have said anything when she did it.  (But, I did some hard core cussing in my head!)

Love this little toadstool  - can you see the tiny 5¢ price tag?

Smalls for the booth.  Blue glass jars for my collection in the bathroom.  One thousand paper doilies for all my paper doily needs.  They were $1.00 and in the original box, so I just HAD to get them.  RIGHT?

Wee vintage aquarium decorations.  Sometimes these sell for decent money, but I don't think these fit the bill.  But, we'll see.

I knew The Bean would get a kick out of the giant blue razor Avon Bottle.  I do not buy Avon bottles as a general rule.   

The yellow bird is another Avon bottle.  I know, three makes a collection, but these two HAVE GOT TO GO before that happens!  Pyrex salt and pepper for the booth.  

Two wooden hoops for a project, a big glass jar like the one The Breadman broke (you were right Oliveoyl - one came to me - but I still need a lid!), two decks of cards with a plastic fruit motif, the heaviest three hole punch EVER and a fun tote bag made out of a pair of old bib overalls.  My Mom made a purse out of a pair of overalls I wore when I was little so I thought this was a fun find.  

A bouquet of garrish beaded flowers.  
They are so tacky.
I love them.

Three old bread pans, a slew of GO HOGS paper coasters, vintage bar stuff and a box of great old flashcards that are all yellowed.  

I love old cocktail stirrers and umbrellas.  I don't know why - I don't drink.  
But the happy pastel colors make me happy.  

One sale netted this gorgeous old bowling ball in a swirly purple.  I was going to put it with the rest in the backyard, but when I passed by the purple clematis on the trellis, I knew it had to go there.  The ball was special made - it weighs five pounds and belonged to Clara who bowled until she was 76 years old.  They had to take her ball away, when one day her Alzheimer's got bad and she turned to throw the ball into the crowd instead of down the lane.  I'll think of Clara whenever I see this in my yard.   

Friday afternoon there was a sale that started at 4:00 in the afternoon.  I thought I knew which house it was at and I knew they were famous for HUGE sales, so I made sure to get there at 4:00.  Sadly, it was the house next door and they didn't have a lot.  I did get these six sweet dishtowels that the 50 something old lady said she embroidered as a girl.  When I unfolded them, they are actually big enough to cover a card table.  Can you make sense of the words though?  BOY, NOW, VOW, KISS, JOY, THIS.  

Bought this old book and the 1960's OBU beanies from Clara's bowling ball sale.  

One sale I stopped at on Friday they were still unloading the shed at 2:00.  Every time I would go to pay, the older man would say, "Wait, I got another box here" and he would set it at my feet, but then his daughter would rush over and scoot it away so she could look through it.  He said, "I want it GONE!"  She said, "I need to look through it first!'  I thought to myself, "I wish this lady would go pick up a pizza so I could deal with Dad!"  I bet I could have cleaned up cheap!  At one time, the owned an ice cream shop and then they had plans to open a B&B, so they had a lot of kitchen stuff.  I pulled out all the old metal tools I spotted for 10¢ each.  There was a lady right ahead of me digging in the boxes and she spent $5.00 on 10¢ utensils.  I do well with old utensils for a few bucks each.  

I also bought this piece of pottery for 25¢.  I don't buy green usually, but this is a sweet jadeite green so it will go with my pastels well.  
This squirrel caught my eye with his GIANT HUGE TOOTH.  
Lord have mercy on that bucktoothed squirrel.  He's a planter in case you can't tell.

An old straw holder  - I added the straws.  

Uhm.  Okay.  Jesus + Coney Island = Tacky Souvenir, much?

A pink plastic sewing box from the 4:00 sale.  

Mostly purchased because it was PINK and it had this cool sticker on it.  
Friday I stopped by the Salvation Army and spotted this mail sorter sitting outside.  It's actually two separate pieces, but they stack on top of each other to make one giant unit.  I'm going to use it in the booth to hold sheet music, ephemera, books. dictionary pages, ads, book plates and whatever else I can conjure up.  It is a lot of space to fill!  It was only $10.00 for both pieces, so I had to get them!

And that is the weekend in junk.  Today is Sunday and I am jonsing for an auction or the last day of an Estate Sale.  I think I am sick!  


  1. You sure found quite a lot. I really love the embroidered dish towels. The words on the towels tells the story of their lives. BOY (she meets him), KISS (they have their first kiss), JOY (they fall in love), THIS (he proposes- with this ring), VOW (they get married), NOW (now there are three).

    1. I agree except I think it's BOY, JOY, then KISS, THIS ...
      (olden day--fall in love before kissing 8 )
      and the rhymes go in pairs that way...
      8 )
      sarabeth in Mass

  2. We never have yard sales here on a Thursday or any that start at 4 You may see one or two on Friday but not much.
    you got some good items for your sales. and great piece at goodwill.

  3. Not a bad weekend and you did hit a ton of sales. Sounds like the 2:00 sale could have done without that daughter! The Clara bowling ball story is great!

  4. Looks like a good weekend to me. I swear I used to have the cat sewing box. It looks so familiar. Love the info on Clara. Poor thing probably is stuck bowling with those plastic balls and pins in the nursing home now.

  5. I am so glad that you've gotten all your paper doily needs met, finally. I've been worried that you wouldn't! Good finds. I did not buy one thing this weekend, Well, I did buy six books and a tiny galvanized metal pail, but compared to what I usually get that's like not getting anything! I did, however, get rid of a lot of junk and made good money at the Peddlers Mall sidewalk sale, while my booth had the best day ever!

  6. I am hoping to go back and help clean up the barn this week so I can get a better gander at what's is store for the sale next weekend. Will be keeping you in mind playing "I spy".

  7. The Clara story is sweetly funny! As for the letter sorter, it would make a great display for vintage spools of ribbon. You could sell it as such or use it in your booth. Great buys!

  8. I could find a lot of uses for the mail sorter. But that squirrel? He is one creepy critter!

  9. That sorter thing ROCKS! And Clara must have been a tiny thing because a 5 lb bowling ball? I think my purse weighs more than that!

  10. Love seeing all your weekend finds. I must say I really like those dishtowels with cats! Random words but cute! Love the egg cup and the green pottery planter. I'm in need of a good junkin weekend myself!

  11. Hah! I would have been the daughter LOL.

  12. your pink sewing box looks like bakelite. Its all swirly on the back! Good finds, love that mail sorter thing, I could fill that baby up!

  13. I love that bowling bowl in the garden. I have one in a copper color that I put out too. The green planter is a perfect shade.

  14. What a fun, junk-filled weekend!

  15. So I guess I can say that you more than restocked from your sale last weekend, huh? Love the vintage cocktail stuff. I have a small collection too that I do use from time to time. I always rinse them off and put them back in the box though. Could you imagine throwing them away?!

    Have a great week!


  16. the coney island jesus is ace, just the sort of thing i horrify friends and family with

  17. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Did you really mean to call someone who is 50 something "old"? I hope you meant to say something else! By the way, those were diapers that she embroidered on, the thing to do with old diapers. Love the bowling ball story and love the bowling ball!


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