
Monday, June 30, 2014

4th of July Decorations

Well, June certainly went by F-A-S-T, now didn't it?  I realized last week that if I wanted to see my patriotic stuff, I better get it out STAT.  So, I did.  It's always the same stuff, maybe in a different way.  Not sure I added anything to it over the past year.  I'll see when I look at the photos with you!  

***Yes, I still have those ugly Rooster curtains.  Nothing in my house is Rooster anymore, but I can't seem to find any  curtains that will go with my ugly couch and ugly carpet.  (We need to do some redecorating, but that will not be anytime soon).

I have George Washington standing by a 1950's car - why?  I don't know.  See my LET FREEDOM RING on the old toy phone?  HA-HA.  

 I bought that house several years ago at a Church Sale for $3.00 and I remember thinking that three dollars was a LOT (ha) and that it was too "new" for my decor - but I really love the darn thing.  I don't put up a tree or any lights, so the fireworks behind the house add some "spark".  
Silly things all together make me happy.

I found that photo of a little boy at a yard sale - his Sailor Suit made him feel patriotic-y to me. My chalkboard skillz aren't too great, but I wanted to use the cool old chalkboard that I traded Lara for at the Junk Ranch.  That little house is Bill Clinton's boyhood home in AR.

I have an old truck, so I  used it.  :)  That little doll in it is more country than I am - but someone made her for me and I love her.   This is my homage to a parade.  I love that Richardson Dinner Mint tin - all red, white and blue and I am a Richardson, so it's darn near perfection!

Uncle Sam's all together and all up high.  

The big Uncle Sam was at the thrift and priced really high, but I held out and got him on 75% off day.  He is hard carved and signed.  The roly poly guy is by the same artist - found at the same thrift a few weeks later.  

I think these books are new to the decor this year.  They are Zane Grey westerns, but the color theme was just too good not to put to use.  

The famous white shelves.  Okay, they aren't famous, but I don't know what I would do without them to hold my stuff.  They are mighty and hold a ton.  

Miscellaneous things - old advertising boxes, actual USA things and souvenir items.  And, of course, the wee Bean when he made the front page of the page.  :)

George Washington and Ben Franklin things - a great old USA puzzle and some more souvenirs.  

I did find that old Mr. President game this year.  Stuck the blue magnetic board up there for a pop of color then I darn near covered it up.

I love my Chocolate Covered Cherry box collection.  This one comes out for the 4th every year.  Miss America Brand!  I have a new one coming that I bought on Instagram - Valley Forge Chocolate Covered Cherries.  I can't wait to get it. (Did you know people sell things on Instagram?  Low prices, great vintage finds and NO FEES for either of you.  It's sort of awesome.)

Love this one truly vintage Uncle Sam I have.  

And, last but NEVER least - Hazel.  She is wearing her most expensive  dress ever!  I have a strict "no more than one dollar" outfit rule for her.  But, I spent FIVE DOLLARS on that red gingham dress.  But it is worth every penny.  It is a square dancing dress and it has layers and layers of petticoats under it with BELLS sewn in the layers so it jingles when she moves.  (Okay, IF she moved...).  I added in a denim jacket, a set of vintage red, white and blue beads and my favorite vintage patriotic flower pin.  Hazel is such a silly thing in my home, but she is a happy spot for me.  She distracts my attention from those rooster curtains!


  1. Well done Shara. Hazel is looking tip top. My decorations only cover the top of the TV cabinet but you inspire me to find more things. Happy Fourth of July.

  2. I can't believe it is almost July either. Feeling very patriotic at your house. I have posts coming this week on my red,white and blue too!

  3. I LOVE your Silly Little Collections and the stories that come with them... and of course I <3 HAZEL !!!

  4. I love it all! It's so fun to look at all the little details of everything. I have to live vicariously through you because I didn't get my stuff out this year--no point to do more packing than I already have to, right? But I miss my pretties!

  5. Holy cowabunga, you have a lot of 4th of July stuff. Love it! I always picture Hazel coming to life when you guys are out of the house. Sort of like Toy Story, but creepier. So you never know, one day when you're putting your keys in the front door you might hear those bells a jingling as she's running back to where you left her.

  6. You must have the best 4th of July collection ever! So vintage, eclectic and fun!!!

  7. Great collections and displays. I kept looking at your pictures and seeing items that I also own and thinking "now why didnt I put that in my display, I have that!" haha. Gonna have to do some diggin when I get home, thanks for the inspiration :)

  8. Okay. I cut Hazel some slack because she's not technically a doll, but if you hear those bells jingling, you might want to run. Or maybe start hollering some square dance calls or something.

    I had that Uncle Sam (the vintage one) as a kid. In fact I had several figures like that. If I remember right, you could get them from Kelloggs. I know I had Snap, Crackle, and Pop as well. And maybe an Abe Lincoln?

  9. So I'm totally inspired to share my 4th décor now. Except I am visiting Hanna 4 hours away and still have a few photos to share, so Thursday it is!

    Hazel is super fancy as always and I love that red truck. An old truck like that in any color is on my list.

    Have an awesome week!


  10. "Let Freedom Ring" clever, Clever!

  11. Great Uncle Sam collection and love love that little phone!

  12. I loved all your red, white and blue things. You did great in your displays.

    Have a happy 4th of July!

  13. Great collection! It's obvious you really love your collections. You take such pleasure in putting it all together. Love it all.


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