
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Easter is in THREE Days!

Lots of bunnies and chicks in this post!
This is in the front window.  A little vignette of fun.

It's no surprise that I like little things.  And lots of them.

BAM!  Little stuff.  And lots of it!
I sat in the floor one day while I watched "Ellen" and added things to this old spice rack.  
I filled it UP!
It was sort of low, so I put it on a pink tin to give it a bit more height.

I defy anyone not to smile when they look at a chenille chick.  
It is just NOT possible!
Everyday I turn it a hair so there is always something new to see.

And, just for fun - here is my Rushton Bunny 'Peeka and her new buddy the duck I found last weekend.  

More tomorrow!


  1. OH MY! What a stash!

  2. That plush duck you found the other day was just perfect for the bunny girl.

  3. It's all so stinking cute! Though I do have to admit, that the Ruxton Bunny scares me a bit.


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