
Sunday, February 02, 2014

It's Super Bowl Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, like I care.  I don't like football.  But, I do watch the Superbowl for the commercials and half time show.  

I challenged The Bean to make us a centerpiece for the Superbowl. Which is difficult in this non Seahawk, non Bronco fan family.  

Here's what he scrounged up out of his room, my office and the garage.  A SUPERman in a BOWL with a BRONCO (horse) and a whale/crow = Seahawk.  Spot on!  :)  *He threw in the Groundhog for good measure.  We have decided in honor of all my Denver friends and family to cheer on the Broncos.  

You're welcome.

Oh, let's have a looksie out the window, shall we?

Snow.  Again.  Gah.  

It was clear outside at 9:00 this morning, but by 11:00, it looked like this out there.

I think we have about 6" right now.  More coming on Tuesday, then again on Thursday and some more on Saturday.  What a weird winter it has been for everyone.  Here in Arkansas, some winters we never see snow, other years we have one piddly snow.  The kids didn't use one snow day last year, but some schools have missed twelve this year.  And, they are closed tomorrow too.

Yep.  More snow.  Grumble. Grumble. Grumble.


Just didn't want everyone else to hate me since everyone else is SICK of the snow and SICK of Winter.  

Sorry peeps.  

I likey!  

Go Broncos?


  1. We don't watch the SuperBowl at our house either. Too much fluff.
    Looks like the bean doesn't fall far from the tree. Good mix-up for the centerpiece.
    Go whoever.....

  2. I applaud the Bean for the most excellent centerpiece. Very creative! Well don't tell anyone, but I live in Denver and don't really care much about football. I do have the obligatory orange shirt (DH says it could double as a hunting shirt, cause I do a lot of that, too...). I will watch the game just to avoid being a social misfit - so far the Broncos aren't looking so great, but there's always the second half.

  3. I applaud the Bean for the most excellent centerpiece. Very creative! Well don't tell anyone, but I live in Denver and don't really care much about football. I do have the obligatory orange shirt (DH says it could double as a hunting shirt, cause I do a lot of that, too...). I will watch the game just to avoid being a social misfit - so far the Broncos aren't looking so great, but there's always the second half.

  4. couldn't watch if I wanted to, the channel it is on is the ONLY local channel I cannot tune in with my digital antennae. Hoping for another 3 day weekend with sleet forecasted for Fri.

  5. That centerpiece cracks me up. :) Nice use of creativity! That game? Ugh. That was embarrassing. There were an awful lot of SOMBER parties last night. Golly.

    PS--I think it's crazy that you in AR have gotten more snow than us in CO this winter!

  6. I'm worried... J just looked over my shoulder and saw T.B.'s SuperBowl centerpiece and knew spot on each and every part of it...


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