
Friday, October 11, 2013

Blog problems

Is anyone having issues with pop ups when visiting this blog?  I'm hearing that there might be a problem. I haven't added or changed anything to cause it on my end. Leave a comment if you have had any problems. Please?  Thank you 


  1. I have never seen a pop on your blog, including today. Maybe someone else is having the issue. Cheers

  2. no problems for me either

  3. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I've never had a problem. I love your blog!

  4. it's me and we are trying to figure out if it is JUST me and my computer. I get those continual pop up windows that fill the computer screen. The only way to stop them is shutting down or logging off. I do not seem to have the issue with other blogs. Looking for answers.

  5. Sounds like you have contracted a virus, there are no pop ups here for me either.

  6. no pop ups for me. I don't know if it makes a difference, but I read through Bloglovin.

  7. No problems for me. I'm guessing it is on the user side and she has gotten a virus.

  8. no problems on my end either -

  9. None here. Sorry, Oliveoy, that's a pain. :-(


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