
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Good and Well Behaved Find

Thanks for all the great comments about the Rummage Sale.  I know it was silly, being so excited about seeing my self on TV.  But, it was fun!  Also, thanks for understanding my comments at the bottom of the post.  I didn't have a single hateful Anonymous comment!  *Yet anyway.  I think my oh so clever use of asterisk may have been my saving grace.  Anyway thanks you guys!  

We ran errands today.  All errand days start with a drop off of a box of random "stuff" to Goodwill.  And, of course, a quick walk through.  "Don't go home with more than you left with" is my motto when it comes to Goodwill.  But, you just never know why you will find.  I'm hopeful that the vintage Christmas will start eeking out at the thrifts soon.  Goodwill sells holiday things all year long, so I don't have high hopes to find much there.  But you never know.  In fact, some of the more kitschy things that I left at the sale where I got all the vintage Christmas things this weekend were on the shelf at Goodwill today.  Since none of it's kitschy-ness spoke to me at 50¢, it certainly didn't appeal to me at the Goodwill price of $3.00.  

I strolled the aisles looking for something that spoke to me.  I knew I would know it when I saw it.  

Then I saw aomething.  And, it spoke to me.  "BUY ME."  And I spoke back, "Please be a dollar."  And, it was.  So, I bought it.

So, what do you suppose the story is behind this box?  Someone had to make it, then they had to pick each one of those insufferable stickers off a page and apply it to the front.  And, why did you get a lollipop?  Where was it?  And why wouldn't you be good and well behaved?  

I picture it in a small Mayberry-ish town with one old man doctor that does everything from birthing babies to bandaging toes.  His cranky old nurse/receptionist had her husband handcraft the box for the lollipops as per the doctor's suggestion.  But, she has seen too many unruly kids in the waiting room throwing toys and having tantrums, so she went to Ben Franklin and bought those stickers and put that on the front "Only for the good and well behaved."  Because she is just positive that no self respecting child that has been misbehaving would EVER take a lollipop.  

Yep, I think that's the story.  And, I'm sticking to it.  

I like it.  


  1. My immediate thought was a doctor's office. It's really, really cute.

  2. Gee, I should tell my daughter - no wait she has one of those token machines and all the kids want the black furry mustaches!! Cute box and love your story!

  3. Your story is perfect! Yep I'm with you!!

  4. I have one of those. Mine can hang on the wall. I'm sure it was some sort of doctor or sales office thingie. Mine says "for good boys and girls" and when you lift the lid it says "just one, please".

  5. I like it, too, Shara!

  6. I like it, too, Shara!

  7. When I was a kid, my doctor had a lollipop box (we are talking 1960's). I know doctors nowadays would have horrors at that idea. Of course, my doctor was an older man and he still made the occasional house call, too, so that is all from a time gone by.


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