
Saturday, September 07, 2013

Gag Order

I might have gone to that sale I mentioned the other day.  But, as it turns out, if I did go, I'm not allowed to post anything on the Internet about it until after it airs.  I am blogging all about it, but I won't post it until the show actually airs.

Don't see why I can't show you some things I might have picked up at a sale today *Cough*
An old BINGO set with the ever elusive orange and black bingo numbers that I love to use in Halloween crafts.  50¢

Old Cat in the Hat Dictionary in pretty awful shape but it was only 50¢.

The pages are still in good shape.  I think some of them might be nice framed.  

This box said it was a Duets Girl's Diaper Set, so I picked it up since it was vintage.

But, when I got it home, it had these great old plastic tracing stencils in it.  They are big - about 8" tall or so plus there is a slew of smaller ones too.  I love that jaunty little piggy with his basket and the dog on a ball.  

Plucked this sweet little handmade jacket, hat and bootie set from the kid's clothing rack for $1.00.  It is just adorable.  Excuse my lovely photo on top of the truck hood.  I was so hot I was about to croak when we got home, so I took these photos as fast as I could so I could hit the A/C.  

I love using old Bushel Baskets for display and this one not only had its lid, but it also had a half bushel basket nestled inside it.  $1.50 for both.  These have nice bright colors.  
I found a box full of baggies full of old spools of Sateen ribbon, so I just bought them all.  
Twenty three rolls in all for around $3.00.

 I thought this big scale had a nice industrial vibe too it, so I picked it up for 5.00.  I did a little research and it is actually from a restaurant for weighing out portions on a plate.  I found one online for $95.00, so I guess I did okay.  Not sure what I will do with it - probably to the Barn Sale first. 
Love this giant old pricing stamp.  It's about 10" tall and really heavy.  $1.00.

Small glass baby bottle and a wee tin heart mold.  25¢ each.

And now, for THE FIND OF THE DAY.........
 A really old worn croquet set has been on my wishlist for a long, long time.  I have a really nice teak set, but I want an old set just to put on the porch and maybe knock around in the yard.  
It's missing one of the striped colored poles, but I know you will be shocked to hear that I already have one.  I love the old metal wheels and the chippy mallets and balls.  This set, along with a second set, had sold to another person and when I commented how much I wanted to find a set just like that, the guy quoted me a price of $12.00 and I bought them.  Never done that before!  $12.00 is probably more than I actually would have spent, but I still think it's a good deal. And, it was the perfect souvenir to remember my day at the great big HUGE.........oh, wait, never mind.  


  1. Enjoyed your finds from your 'mystery'!

  2. Pretty good finds for a sale that you "might" have gone to. I've always loved those old pricing stamps. I love the noise the make when you sue them. Reminds me of going to the old grocery with my grandparents.

  3. I remember when you used to have posts about a certain LARGE family, then had to remove them b/c you were being cyber stalked and harassed for mentioning them. Need to come up with a "code" name like we did for "Nummy Buns"

  4. Great scores and I am always amazed and the kind of prices you find in your area. Can't wait to hear the story behind the story!

  5. Gosh, I had those very stencils as a kid in the 70's. They weren't new then but secondhand. I always loved them. Great to see them again Shara

  6. Not bad..the orange and black bingo...still using my stash and must find more. So glad I don't have to deal with the while out junking (your photo on the hood of the truck made me laugh)

  7. Those stencils are so cute, I could find a bunch of crafty uses for them. You "might" have gotten some great deals. Love the croquet set.

  8. What wonderful hypothetical goodies from a hypothetical sale. Can't wait for the juicy details to be added in. Would love croquet balls to display in a bowl.

  9. A long time ago, I saw a photo in a book or mag where they used a croquet set and put a glass round on the top and made the cutest little table for a patio. Darling! I think 12 was a great price!

    Orange and black bingo numbers? Cool! Last year I turned some of mine with red numbers into black just by rubbing the tops carefully on a black ink pad. And then I never used them for anything. LOL But orange and black! Awesome.

  10. I didn't even think about the possibility of a gag order being enforced. I guess we will have to wait to hear more about the experience you may or may not have had at the sale you may or may not have attended!

    So excited for your croquet set. Not surprised at all that you had a replacement piece!


  11. Great stuff! My favorite is that baby sweater set! Adorable!


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