
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Quickie (Thrift Run, That Is....)

I held the boys hostage today and made them stop at two thrift stores today.  "I just want to look" and "I won't buy much" was what I said as I hopped out of the car.

A run into Goodwill brought me the cute wicker stool/side table for $2.00.  I have a wicker mirror that I painted turquoise, so I will paint this the same and take it to the booth.   When the clerk rang it up, he said, "Now, that's a good deal!"  He meant it nice too.  He was happy for me.  I like people like that.

The brand new Sock Money Kit was $1.00.  What a steal!  Those red heeled socks cost about $10.00 usually.  I could sell it, but I am going to make it instead.  I have been looking for a project that isn't Barn Sale or Booth related.  Just something for me to do with my hands while I watch mindless TV.  (Anyone else watching "Under The Dome"?)   The old clipboard will be painted with chalkboard paint and become a sign at the BS.  The giant thumbtacks will go to the booth.  Some retro loving college girl will squeal with glee when she finds them.  

A different thrift brought me this old school chair for $4.96.  It's adorable - all chippy and worn - and solid as can be.  I just love old children's chairs in different colors.  I have quite a few around here.  My favorite is from my Great Grandmother and Great Grand father's one room schoolhouse in Kansas from the 1920's.  Between my Mom and me, we have three of them.  Maybe that should be my next collection post - little chairs.  I honestly bought this chair to sell, but now that it's home, I don't think I can let it go.  Not yet anyway.  Besides, two out of three cats have already taken a nap on it and have declared it purrfect.  (GROAN).


  1. I am watching "Under the Dome" as well. We usually tape it as it is on at 10:00 and then Tom and I watch it another night. Mindless summer tv. Happy birthday girl!

  2. "I won't buy much." Those are famous last words before entering a thrift. Last time I said that to Keith, I ended up coming out with a large retro padded bench that I had to cram into the already stuffed car.

  3. Love the wicker in turquoise, I bet it is gorgeous!! That little chair is so cute, I found one unpainted for Tiger and he loves it.

  4. I love old children's chairs too! I have two that sit outside and hold flowers and two inside that I stack books on.

    Quick trip? Famous last words :-)


  5. It's always when I "just want to look" that I find something great, then don't have the money.

  6. I love the chair. You can do so much with them -- keep it! It was meant to be. I've watched the first three or four episodes of The Dome but am now behind. I was getting a little disgruntled with it but maybe it got better? I read the book and liked it so I guess I'll stick with it. At the risk of making you think I'm a terrible person, my favorite mindless TV are the Real Housewives shows. I can't help myself, even though I hate myself for watching them.


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