
Tuesday, July 02, 2013

May the 4th Be With You!

It's almost the 4th of July, so I thought I would share my Patriotic decor before I have to have it all down.  I just got it all set u the way I like it and now it's almost time to pack it away again.  

I like to use vintage patriotic items, vintage inspire items, old red, white and blue packaging or packaging with Americana themes and odds and ends.  It's not decor that some people totally understand, but it's ME and that's all that matters.  (I often have to explain to The Breadman why I have an ice cream box in the 4th of July decor).
This house lights up at night and has fireworks shooting over it.  Glass jars of appropriately colored straws, poker chips and tickets with a vintage flash card make a fun display.  
I bought about fifty all red, white and blue Patriotic themed match boxes a few years ago.  This is just a few stuck into an old flower frog.  

After I got this all set up I realized I should have used a red picnic basket, but what am I going to do about that now, right?  Domino boxes, a Miss America Cherry box, more straws, Uncle Sam and a flag that plays the Star Spangled Banner make more fun.

Top of my craft cabinet.  I found that swag of patriotic material in my Grandmother's house with my Great Grandfather's Navy uniform.  I think it might be off a ship from WWI, but I'm not sure.  I picked up that tall Uncle Sam since last year at the thrift.  He's handmade and really cool.  

The famous white shelves.  Probably the best $5.00 I ever spent!  

MOre stuff of all sorts, vintage souvenirs, packaging, STARsnaps, USA puzzle, Liberty Olive jar and a few other things.  
This old school souvenir from 1920 belonged to my Great Grandfather when he was a teacher.  It has his photo in it and a list of all the students in the one room school.  

George Washington Pipe tobacco tin, Star covered pastille tin, eagles and some old store signs.  

The flag in the frame was handed to me by Sam Walton when I worked the Grand Opening at a Sam's Club in 1982.  Yes, I keep everything.  

The second set of white shelves.  Another well spent $5.00.

Mini monuments, Statue of Liberty's and flags.  

I FINALLY figured out how to make rosettes so I've made some for every holiday.  I was trying to figure out how to make them and I was really over complicating them.  They are super easy.  

 Giant glittery star and a plethora of odd things.
Love that old matchbox and the sweet handmade German bears.  

And lastly, Hazel in her patriotic getup.  I repurposed her square dancing outfit to make it work for the 4th of July too.  I threw on all the vintage red, white and blue jewelry that I could find.  I know that dressing up Hazel is really silly, but I just love keeping her out all year long and working her in to the decor.  She's a part of our family!

*Really cannot believe that I used a Star Wars reference in my title!


  1. I was wondering if we were ever going to get to see the 4th of July set up this year. i was starting to think that maybe you hadn't done one and were hoping we wouldn't notice. (GASP!)

  2. she has
    her deco mojo baaaaack.

  3. Great display! You have some wonderful things in there!

  4. Please don't say dressing Hazel up is silly. I really enjoy seeing how you "doll" her up and you never disappoint. Great displays all around!

  5. Great stuff! Love your post title too.

  6. Hazel is THE.BEST! Don't ever call her silly again - or if you must, just remember ~ SILLY IS GOOD!!

  7. Love it all. You are the most dedicated holiday collector I know.


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