
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Saturday Finds - Projects A'Plenty

Saturday I left my house at NOON, went to nine yard sales all in one neighborhood and was back home with a good amount of project junk in less than an hour.  And, I spent less than $10.00.  Not bad!
A sweet Strawberry Shortcake doll.  As a general rule, I am not a fan of these crocheted dolls, but she is well done and has bloomers, a dress, an apron and a hat AND she was only 50¢.  The little girl that I baby sat when I was 13 years old is having a little girl.  When she was little her room was decorated in Strawberry Shortcake, so I always think of her when I see S.S.  I picked up a vintage SS baby quilt last week, so I think these two things will go to her.  She's a very well to do Pharmacist and lives in a gorgeous home, but I think she will enjoy this little bit of vintage goodness.  

Project #1:  Six oak frames that I will paint for the booth.  One of those nice heavy handmade one in the center fell apart and I am just sick about it.  They are very nice heavy frames.  I think I will paint the other two bright red and add Arkansas Razorback word clouds in them.  I got these all at one sale where I knew the lady, I have known her for about two years and I see her on a semi-weekly basis. But, when I started talking to her she said, "Do I know you?"  Uh......  When she figured it out, she started telling me that I could have everything half price and then she gave me a big cardboard standee of an M&M NASCAR driver for The Bean.  I guess she felt guilty.  If her being guilty meant deals for me, then that's okey doke by me!
 Project #2:  Two old Jell-O molds to make into Christmas wreaths.  
Project #3:  Neat old baking pan to make into something that I haven't decided yet.
Project #4: Old strainer insert that will become the topper to a windchime.
Project #5: This big pile of old Learn to Paint/Draw books were 25¢ each.  I had a book of rose paintings that I took apart and framed for the booth.  These all have great drawings in them that I can frame too.
There were even book books of NUDES.  Shock!  I don't think I will be framing those.  
These two will probably go on ebay.  
(Although, I had HORRIBLE sales this week and I am not really excited to sell anything on there this summer.)

Also, not shown, Project #6: Two old School Dictionaries to turn into ephemeral bundles and Project #7: An old clipboard to paint with chalkboard paint and Project #8: a bright red vintage scrapbook that I plan to "Razorback" up somehow.

 And, lastly, on little keeper for me.  
Pink, pottery twenty five cents.  
Need I say more?

Lots of projects on tap for me.  
How about you?


  1. That's what I call power shopping. You got some good junk and neat to hear your plans for it!

  2. OH, you ARE motivated! Wish you would send a little of that motivation up this way ;-)! GOOD LUCK with those projects - they sound great!! Way to go with that SPEED SHOPPING!

  3. can't wait to see the finished projects.
    they sound so fun.

  4. Lovin the pink pottery! Also lots of great stuff for projects. The 'nudies' are ah,interesting! Sales seems sucky everywhere.

  5. Those art books are gorgeous. I was going to start putting together ephemera packs as well! Now you are going to think I am copying you when really I just have to clear out some of the old, falling-apart books I have in my craft room.


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