
Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31st....22 years

It's our 22nd anniversary today. 

 A perennial favorite is the story of how we met. 

P.S.  I was NOT a fan.  


  1. Love the story of how you two met and your engagement and wedding. Happy happy anniversay and wishing you many many more!

    Ps you have been married really close to half as long as me!!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Super fun story! Many happy days for all of you!

  3. That is THE BEST story (favorite part: Mom saying "Are you going or NOT?" I love that your Mom had to be the one to finally pull the trigger on making it a romantic relationship) and you guys are the cutest family ever. Also: Hillbilly Mountain? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You are too funny. What grocery store did you work at? My brother worked at IGA during the years you and I were in would be so funny if you and he had worked together!!

    Will write an e-mail soon, I promise. Am wondering if you got out this morning? It's so gross, I slept in, but next week is Father's Day which means I won't be shopping next Saturday morning either, so I maybe should have dragged my lazy butt out of bed this morning.


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