
Monday, February 04, 2013

I Felt Like Making Something*

Back before Thanksgiving, when things were sort of normal around here, I needed a project to keep my hands busy.  I'm not the sort of person to just sit and watch TV - I have to have busy hands.  I'm usually pricing things for the booth, researching things on my phone, cutting coupons, culling my craft supplies, looking at magazines, etc.  I usually try to have some sort of felt pattern ready for the days when I want to actually make something.  I usually prefer things I can knock out in one sitting.

I had found this Matryoshka doll ornament pattern and "Pinned" it earlier.  I like to find ideas on the internet and them change them up a bit to make mine unique.  But, I am always grateful to the original creator!  making my own patterns is something I want to learn to do.

I have a collection of Nesting Dolls (which reminds me that I haven't done an "accidental Collection" post in awhile), so I thought making an ornament would be cute.  

Instead of making mine a flat ornament, I added strips to the sides to made it actually stand up.  I added beanbag beads to the bottom of it to give it weight for standing upright.  

I thought she was really cute!

But, she was a nesting doll, after all.

 So, I adjusted the pattern and made a smaller one.  And a smaller one and so on and so on.  I made each one a bit different.  But the same in many ways too.  Just like real Nesting Dolls.

They are a happy little family!  It took me about a week of TV watching in the evenings to make them all.  I took my time to make them just right.  

I think I might have to make another set in blue next time.  Or maybe make them holiday themed.  I like that idea!

 *That's the name of my Pinterest Boards full of Felt Patterns.


  1. What a cute set of little ladies!

  2. You did a great job on those - they are darling!

  3. Wow! You could totally sell those. Sooo cute!
    Great job,
    Erica :)

  4. Super cute and a great way to occupy iddle hands!

  5. I am super impressed that you actually made something that you had pinned! Mine just stay in pinland forever. They turned out very cute!

  6. cute! I think the little head tilt on yours make them look just a tad sweeter than the original. I love the way you put the "monkeybox stamp" on the things you create.

  7. So, so cute. I'm very impressed!

  8. Very cute! I also have to have something in my hands most of the time. I get a whole bunch of crochet done when Hubby is watching something on tv that I'm not interested in.

  9. That is so stinking cute! I love it!


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