
Monday, December 31, 2012

The Year in Review: THRIFT FINDS

I have decided to forego my usual YEAR IN REVIEW post because this year was one hell of a HUMDINGER.  I would just as soon NOT go over it month by month and live it again.  So, I will just do my THRIFTING Year in Review.  

John Plains 1954 Book.  I found this at Goodwill for $10.00.  It is such a fun to see what things I LOVE to find now cost back then.  Love all the picnic items on these pages.

Blow mold palooza hit this summer when I found all of these blowmolds for 50¢ each.  I kept both the snowmen and the Santa.  I sold the rest at the flea market for about $80.00.

I bought this sweet camper set on Craigslist.  I still need to find a spot for it in my house.  Actually, I need to find it.  I stuck it somewhere for safe keeping until after the holidays.  Hmmmmm....

I discovered this Plumpee rubber doll in a huge digger sale.  He was absolutely filthy, but cleaned up pretty good.  He sits in my kitchen and gives me and the Bean a chuckle every time we see him.  

My first locker basket.  I longed to buy it at one of my thrifts stores but it was marked NOT 4 Sale for years.  The store was faced with the possibility of moving or closing so I swooped in and asked ONE MORE TIME to buy the basket.  I got it.  And, the thrift ended up moving and not closing.  Whew.

Oh my.  My favorite.  I spotted an ad on Craigslist for two complete wire racks full of these baskets for a total of $35.00.  I drove thirty miles in a pouring rain to go get them.  I ended up with 31 baskets and two racks.  I might sell them someday.  But, I just love seeing them all stacked up in my garage for now.  I use them for all kinds of sorting projects and for holding things in the booth.

I rescued this sweet doll from Goodwill.  On the way to the car, a lady tried to buy her from me.

A sweet red tin phone scored from ebay for like two bucks or something crazy.  

A handmade piece of needlework made by Margie.  I have bought several things from one family over the past ten years that all belonged to Margie.  This was my latest find and it made me oh, so happy.

A pile of brand new folding rulers for $2.00 each.  I fashioned them into stars and tied them off with bakers twine.  I have sold them all for $15.00 each in the booth.

Freebies from the Estate Sale I ran to on a Sunday afternoon for "about an hour" while the boys mowed.  When I got there, everything was FREE.  Seven hours later, filthy and with a car packed to the brim for FREE, I was home.  This is just a sampling of smalls.  Man, that was one HOT, DIRTY, MISERABLE day.  I loved it.  :D

A precious handmade basket dated from the 1800's on the handle.  Found at the Super Cheap Thrift for 25¢.  It is a bonafide piece of art.

A HUGE Annalee Santa in a Chimney.  Spotted at Goodwill hidden under the Halloween costumes for TWO BUCKS.  I bought him and waited outside for the boys to pick me up.  The Breadman looked at me like I was insane.  The Bean knew it was an Annalee and was very happy for me.  

An awesome old feedsack turtle quilt top.  Bought from a favorite thrift n a neighboring town run by doddering old ladies.  It was six dollars and the lady at the register nearly had a fit when she saw the price.  "I cannot believe they priced that SO HIGH!" she said.  I love old lady pricing.

Those are the highlights for the year in thrifting.  I bought more this year since I had the booth, but I kept less.    I did seem to buy a lot of toys according to this post.....and I seem to spend more on the things I keep.  But, sometimes I pick up my flea market and see all that I sold, so I allow myself a bit to spend on what I really love.  That seems fair to me.

How was your year in thrifting?


  1. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the name Margie, that was my Mom's name, she was crafty, she very well could have mat but i know she didn't.

    Best Wishes for the New Year!

  2. I really enjoyed the thrift finds review! You did score a lot of great things! I'm hoping that 2013 treats us both much better! Big Hugs, Linda

  3. Good finds for the year and hoping for some great ones in 2013 (for both you and me...good thing we live in different parts of the country!)

  4. ooooooooolala what a year.
    Those blowmolds are the bomb Shara,
    I still dream about finding some at yard sales.

    And the estate sale freebies, WOWZER is all I can say.

    Here is to 2013 being packed to overflowing for AMAZING JUNKIN FINDS!!

  5. OMG Just now realized, do you still have that travel companion blow up doll ....LOL he can ride in the back with your giant Santa....

  6. OMG I love those blowmolds!

    Sweet mother of Jesus how I would love to find the ones with the reindeers, amazing!

    I wish you a wonderful New Year, may you thrift until you can't thrift no more.

  7. Loved your review of your finds - you really did find some neat things. May 2013 be just as good or better for you!

  8. What a wonderful year in thrifting finds! I drool with envy over your blow mold score. Here's to a happier new year!

  9. I am so jealous, .50 for blow molds in great condition, whoa! Especially the stone fruit, never even heard of those before! Thanks for all the pics.


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