
Monday, December 17, 2012

The Pink Tree and Other Decor

Did I ever tell you that I never sold the pink tree?  I had bids on it - I think it was up to around $189.00, but I really can't remember.  That late night when we were rushing to Springfield, MO to meet my Mom in the ambulance, my phone started buzzing with ebay questions.  I hadn't even thought about my auctions and I had no idea when we would ever be home again.  So, I put The Bean to work canceling all my auctions.  

While he was doing that, a message came through from an ebay bidder.  It wasn't a question, but a full on bawling out for me selling a NEW tree and describing it as an OLD tree.  It went on to tell me that often, "older people think things are vintage when they are not."  that one ruffled my feathers as I thought I was being referred to OLD, but it was actually in reference to the story about the older couple climbing up into the attic to get it down for me.  They had told me about having it in their house when the kids were little - and this couple was in their late 70's or so - and I had no reason NOT to believe them.  Anyway, long story short, I cancelled the auction.  Not because I believed this person, but because I did not have time to deal with any sort of confrontational bidders or buyers.  Besides, I LOVE that damn pink tree.  Even though I have never used it.  Someday, someday......:D

I managed to get all of my decorations out this year.  I still don't know how I did it with everything else going on.  It may stay up until June with my busy schedule these days, but by golly, it is UP!  

The Santa's are up although not as many or are they displayed as carefully as they have been in the past.  Ignore the misc. crap around the bookshelf.  I didn't do my BIG CLEAN that I usually do the week before decorating.  

My sparkly blinged out area is done.  Oh, how I love this.  Mercury balls, mercury beads, old tree toppers, etc.  It just makes me HAPPY.  And, isn't that what it's all about?????  We all NEED a little happy with what is happening in our world.  Scary stuff.


I just love it.  

What makes YOU happy this Christmas?  


  1. Sparkles, santas, and Christmas colors puts a smile on my face. You have decorated your rooms beautifully. Thanks for sharing it with me.

  2. Well I love your Pink tree and hope you use it one day! So happy you got all that lovely Christmas out and displayed and also managed to send me those adorable Santa' them! I swear once I get my kids moved I'm going to catch up on everything!!!
    Hugs to you,

  3. Wondered what ever happened with the pink tree auction..I would have had trouble parting with it. Happy is a good thing to be..especially with the last few life events you have been happy!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. that pink tree was not meant to find a new home, at least for this year.

  6. One thing I love is your posts! Merry Christmas!

  7. Keep the pink tree, only because I want it so bad, ha!
    You sure have lots of patience when decorating. I used to have a ton more decorations but never wanted to put all of them out, so I downsized. I now only have 12 Santas. I do want to make one of those darn ornament wreaths now, and a vase with tree toppers, etc. like you made!


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