
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Random Updates

My Mom is in Rehab and doing good.  Her health is good, so that is very important.  Her broken, fractured and bruised whatsitiz have a long way to go.  Day one of therapy she stood up.  Day two she walked twelve feet.  Day three she walked 102 feet.  Pretty good progress!  She's limited to what she can do with the arm injuries, so they are working on her legs and core strength for now.  My Mom isn't the most social person normally.  She likes to stay home, watch movies, read, bead, do stuff like that.  But at Rehab - she is the most popular person!  Yesterday a therapist, a doctor and three nurse/aides came in just to chat with her.  They like her because she just talks to them about life and the real world, it's not all Wah-wah-wah, poor me. And, she really should be all POOR ME if you could see her.  Oh,and to top it all off - today is her BIRTHDAY.  I have permission to bring her in a small sugar free cupcake.  BOO HISS.  That's NO birthday!!!!!  We will make up for it big time down the line with presents, festivities and a buttercream smeared masterpiece.  
Window washers at the hospital in Springfield, MO.  Those windows are rooms on the heart floor.  I imagine two guys dangling unexpectedly outside your room after you are fresh out of a heart attack might not be the calmest sight to see.

I have all my Christmas decorations up.  I really don't know how I pulled it all off in four days in addition to being crazy tired, at the hospital a lot and keeping up with my usual things.  But, by George, I DID IT!  It's a bit different that normal, but it's up and I like it.  

Here The Bean awaits his time in the Volunteer Storage Closet at the hospital.  He thought it was funny thinking of a bunch of old volunteers lined up in the closet waiting their turn.  

It got cold here finally.  18 degrees last night.  At least it feels like Winter now.  Maybe I can finally pack away the Capri's and t-shirts.  I wonder where my hoodie is?

Me and The Bean in the giant Christmas ornament at the hospital.

Hope you have a good day.  Our lives are still not perfect, but it's nice to have some normalcy and feel like my Mom is on the road to recovery.  Thanks again for all the well wishes, gifts and prayers.  :)


  1. Shara this is such a great update! I am so glad your Mom is doing well. I know its a long road but she is finally on it! Yippee you got your decorations up! It is Christmas and you love that time of year. Happy Birthday to your Mom!

    Big Hugs,

  2. Tell Mumsie happy birthday. Sucks to be in rehab on your b-day, but it will give her something to work towards. Cannot imagine the blowout you will plan.

  3. Better days ahead - good to hear your Mom is improving!

  4. Yay Mom! Keep up the good work! So happy for you all for this good news.

  5. The Volunteer Storage is hilarious. The Bean is funny.

  6. The Volunteer Storage is hilarious. The Bean is funny.

  7. Glad things are normalizing for you and your family. Continued prayers for your mom's recovery.


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