
Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I brought my Halloween decorations into the living room TWO weeks ago.  I had to get through my Dad and the hospital then The Breadman being on vacation before I could even think about decorating.  Yesterday I realized that if it didn't gt done RIGHT NOW, it wasn't going to get done.  And, that wasn't an option.  I have a lot of stuff, but I can justify keeping it when I use it to decorate.  But, if it just sits in tubs in the garage, what good is it?  So, I gave myself two hours to, in the words of Larry the Cable Guy, "Git 'er done."  And, I did!
I have this super tall cabinet that is new to me this holiday season, so figuring out how to use it has been interesting.  I decided to put all of my vintage items on top so they are safe.  As much as I love vintage holiday items, halloween is the one holiday I have the least amount of vintage items.  They are hard to find!
I've had all those Gurley candles sitting in a jar in my office all year waiting to be put with the Halloween decorations.  I can't believe I actually remembered that I had them!
I see now that I took this photo before I tweaked everything, so it's not that great of a photo.  I do love those silly pumpkins on the middle shelf. 
Some of my odds and ends.  I made those little witch shoes a few years ago.  The pictures are my Mom trick or treating as a kid.  Those tiny little trick or treaters in the bottom left corner were some of our decorations from when I was a kid.  I don't know how I have kept track of them all these years.  
I wasn't going to put up my tree this year, but I have so many wonderful decorations from swaps and thrifts, that I just had to use it.  
Fun stuff on the tree from friends around the internet.

Tiny trick or treat pumpkins.

 It's packed full, but I like it that way.
Do you see anything YOU made?  
A big pumpkin and a couple of witches.  (Pay no attention to the bald headed baby!)

The windows over the couch.  I wanted to add some tissue paper fringe across the top of the window, but my time ran out!
Is your house decorated for Halloween yet?  

(I am already starting to panic about decorating for Christmas!)


  1. WOW what a great collection of Halloween Goodness! I love the jar with the old photos inside very fun! Hugs, Diane

  2. WOW! You have so many great things! And you did a great job displaying it. I've always said that I'll never have a Halloween Tree, but I think I have enough stuff now that I might just have to get one. Yours looks so cute!
    Erica :)

  3. I have never found a vintage Halloween decoration around here, ever!! You have a great collection!!

  4. Your vintage Halloween collection is AWESOME! Love everything you shared with us! :)

  5. I am totally jealous of all your Halloween blow molds! Everything looks spooky and great!

  6. OMG girl you did some Halloween decorating in record time! I love it all and the tree is my absolute favorite! I've got to keep an eye open for one like that. Love the window with the decorations also. Happy Halloween!!!!
    hugs, Linda

  7. I always love seeing your holiday displays - great job as usual!

    That baldheaded baby doll in the one pic is creep enough to be in your holiday display. Hopefully this is not a cherished family heirloom... :p

  8. Pretty festive! I thought you said you decorated in something like 10 minutes? (Or a very short period of time.) Anyway, it looks like a lot of time and energy (and collecting!) went into it. Would take photos of mine except an all-day fog bank seems to have settled in.

  9. The bald-headed baby is the scariest thing in the pics! :-)

  10. I know you said to pay no attention to the bald headed baby - but - I cannot stop looking at it!!

  11. So fun! You have a great collection. :) And I DO see something I made! I love that swap, it was fun to craft for a holiday I don't usually do a lot for. :)


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