
Sunday, October 07, 2012

A Quick Note

I'll be gone most of the week.  MY Dad is going into the hospital to have a Catheter Ablation.  He has had an irregular heart beat for a couple of years now.  He has been on numerous heart medications, but none of them ever work.  He has had to spend time in the hospital while they got one medication out of his system and another one started.  But, nothing has worked.  Having said that, he is full of energy and on the go all the time.  He never feels bad.  

This new procedure is supposed to correct the irregular heart beat so he won't have to be on any medication.  His heart rate should be normal after tomorrow.  He'll be awake during the procedure, which involves running a probe up his leg into his heart and then freezing off the bad part of the heart that causes the irregular heartbeat.  

The doctors all say, "It is an easy procedure!"  "We do it all day long every day!"  and "He'll do great!"  But, golly, it is his HEART after all.  That sucker is kind of important.  He will be in the hospital most of the week while they make sure the beat stays consistant before they let him go home.  

I'll be back when I can - thanks for your kind thoughts that I know you are sure to post.  You are all so darn NICE!  :)


  1. Best of luck to your dad!

  2. Well, yeah, your heart is kind of important!! I'll be thinking of both you and your Dad this next week!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Saying prayers for you Dad! I understand how you feel!! Hugs, Linda

  5. Yipes, that would make me nervous too! I'll be thinking of you and hoping that all goes completely smoothly!

  6. Good luck to you and your dad!

  7. Will be thinking of you and your dad.

  8. Lots of good thoughts and prayers for your dad and your family.

  9. Will miss your posts while you're gone! Best of luck to you and your family.

  10. Thinking of you and your Dad!


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