
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Corks, Cannoli's and Chocolate Elephants

Here I sit, blogging about the junk I drug home today and I had a huge, and I do mean HUGE avalanche of STUFF behind me.  I'm not sure I can even get out of my office.  Send help, please?  And maybe a pizza?

Yesterday one of the Vendors at the Flea market invited me to come over to her garage sale THE DAY BEFORE SHE OPENED.  Woot.  I was excited to be the first one in the door.  But, they had it all covered up with sheets since it was in a wood shop and the furniture was outside in a big tent all closed up, so I really didn't get to see it all.  I ended up just buying a few things and leaving.  I saw some things I wanted, but the prices were too much for little old (cheapy) me.  

I got a baggie with old birthday candles, flags, candle holders and the biggest clown head picks I have ever seen - the vinage ornament hanger box for my collection and the corks which I have no use for but when I saw them, I thought of Sue's Wine Cork Board, so I had to grab them. 

The long loaf pan has ridges in it - not sure why.  I'm thinking to make it easier to slice the bread or whatever.  I like to use old loaf pans for storage and not baking anyway.

Now, we watch the Cake Boss and he makes Cannoli's and we watch "Everybody Loves Raymond" and Marie makes Cannoli's and it makes us WANT a Cannoli.  Here's the thing - we don't even know what a Cannoli is!   But, we WANT ONE!  Now, I suppose I can make some.  

This is a Wilton Mold.  You can make a cake in it.  But, it also has two sides so you can make a solid chocolate elephant.  Forget the Cannoli's I want a solid chocolate elephant!

This tiny child's vintage cupboard is fabulous.  Oh, someone painted it all cutsie pie and it makes me cringe - I don't like that part at all.  But, a can of primer, a coat of white, a little red on the edges and some miniature glass knobs I happen to have and it is going to be adorable.  I want to display my vintage toy baking items on it.  I got this at the Super Cheap Thrift for $2.50.  

Do you remember when these were all the rage several years ago on QVC?  You can fill each section of the bowl with candy, toys, streamers, or whatever to make it fit into any holiday or theme.  It's called a Fill a Bowl.  I always thought they were kind of neat, but pricey.  Well, now that I bought one for $2.00, I see that  it would take a ton of stuff to fill it and it would be limited to really tiny stuff.  I don't know - I'll have to think on it a bit.  

So, there's the recent loot.  Time to dig myself out of my avalanche.  Hope I can do it!


  1. I bought one of those fill-a-bowl things at the thrift several years ago. Only mine had candy and stuff in it when I bought it, and the hard candy had gotten all nasty and so trying to soak it and get it all out was just ridiculous (since you can't stick anything down in the tiny slots to clean it). I'm pretty sure I just re-donated that sucker pretty soon after I bought it! Bummer. Still think it was a clever idea, just the execution wasn't as easy as it looked. I just didn't have a ton of tiny stuff to put in the slots, but if I know anyone with a ton of tiny stuff, it's YOU! :)

  2. Great stuff! I love the elephant mold, and the cupboard. I can't wait to see how it turns out after your "redo"!
    Hope you're having a fun week,
    Erica :)

  3. You picked up some stuff that is right up your ally. Your redo of the cupboard sounds sweet.

    My daughter had a boyfriend once who's Mom (have I still got you) made cannoli - she used to bring us a couple quite often - yummy.

    Are the slots big enough for candy corn in your bowl? I think they are neat too but haven't seen any for cheap!

  4. You picked up some stuff that is right up your ally. Your redo of the cupboard sounds sweet.

    My daughter had a boyfriend once who's Mom (have I still got you) made cannoli - she used to bring us a couple quite often - yummy.

    Are the slots big enough for candy corn in your bowl? I think they are neat too but haven't seen any for cheap!

  5. cannoli from the north end of Boston husband loves them I think they are way to sweet. love the junk as always not sure if I have ever heard of the bowl. I never watch QVC

  6. Let us know how it goes with the cannoli - they're pretty delicious (once every five years or so) but it seems like something best left to the pros or an Italian grandma. Too bad we all don't live closer so you could have us over to help you eat them.

  7. Oh I love that tiny cupboard! Also the bread pan is great! hugs, Linda

  8. I'm not Italian, but I think that cannoli is a sweet, thin pastry wrapped around a sweet filling. Kind of like an eclair maybe. I love the tiny cupboard, it's so sweet! I'd love something like that but I have no place to put one. Sorry about the avalanche!


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