
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

But They Don't Fall Down

I haven't done my Week in Junk posts lately.  Oh, don't you fret - I've still been junking!  I just have been taking the bulk of it to the Flea Market instead of dragging it home.  This morning, on the way to work at the Flea Market, I stopped by the Super Cheap Thrift for about fifteen minutes and managed to pick up a few treasures.  Since I am at the Flea Market all day, I have time to price anything I buy that morning and put it out right then instead of bringing it home and waiting a week to put it out.  I can't believe I hadn't figured that out before today.

Today I only brought home three things.  This stacking glass jar with three separate jars.  I bought it for the booth, but I decided it just had too many possibilities for displaying things at home.  

I was very happy to find the flower brooch.  I have a collection of these, but I bet I haven't found one in a couple of years.  I love that this one is red, white and blue.  I never wear them, but Hazel has been known to sport one.  

That watermelon potholder.  Well, you know about those and how I have to rescue them.  The thing is about this particular one is that is is bright, bright garish ORANGE.  I mean "Don't shoot me in the woods, I am not a deer" orange.  Not sure why anyone decided to make a bright orange watermelon.  But, since the rule is, I must save all Watermelon potholders, here it is.  I will have to bury it in the bottom of the basket.  :)

I bought this great old University of Arkansas Catalogue at Goodwill earlier this week.  It's from 1905 and interesting to read.  

Look here - a year's tuition - $50.00.  That was a lot of money back then.  But, what a drop in the bucket that is now!  I think I will put this on ebay later in the year.    

Yesterday I drove across town to pick up something that I bought on our local Facebook Yard Sale page.  Something a woman of my age really needs.  Really!
A vintage toy truck and camper.  Isn't it fabulous?  I love it even though I have no use for it.
The camper folds down flat.  It is missing a boat and some furniture, but I don't mind.  It's a Weebles set made for Romper Room in the 1960's.  I'm not a fan of Weebles and I don't remember Romper Room all that well so none of that matters much to me.  But, oh how I love this silly toy!  I think it will sit under my Christmas Tree with my tin dollhouse.  'Cause that's how I roll.

Have you bought anything silly, frivolous and unnecessary lately that you LOVE?


  1. Well I love it so I guess we are both a little nutty! Hugs, Diane

  2. Oh cute! The toy truck and camper are darling!
    Erica :)

  3. Oh how I wish the price for college was that low. Two kids in college this year...that $50 tuition would have been awesome!

  4. Girl, I am the QUEEN of buying silly crap I do not need. Have you not seen the giant troll, hairy wooden monkey-thing, giant stuffed ant or the sad little Monchichi that I brought home just coz I felt sorry for them?

  5. 50.00 for college oh how I wish it cost my husband and I 100,000 to educate my daughter just a few short years ago. The camper is fun for sure.I love the pin.

  6. I guess if I can buy a Uke (or 2...) you can buy a camper and truck ;-).... because YOU ARE THE WATERMELON QUEEN (even if there are imposter Princess out there wandering around!!)

  7. Directly dropping off junk - that is a really good idea. I love that camper, and I'm glad you didn't drop it off. It's a keeper for sure.

  8. Oh you got a treasure in the car/camper!! Under the Christmas tree is perfect. Love that glass jar also. Now for the 'orange' watermelon, I know you must save them all and I'm glad you do, but yes bury that one in the bottom of the pile. Funny thing...I NEVER see these when I thrift, you must have them all!!! Hugs, Linda

  9. I tried to post a comment, but it wouldn't take. So, if you get two you know why.
    The tuition is amazing. My daughter just started her 2nd year at our local community college and I can only wish that $50 would cover her.

  10. I love your truck and camper too! Also, if you decide to sell that U of A cataloug let me know since my son goes there!

  11. I love your truck and camper too! Also, if you decide to sell that U of A cataloug let me know since my son goes there!

  12. Shara, If you decide to sell your little camper set, I would love to but It. That is the cutest thing ever. Seriously, message me.



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