
Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Happy Place

Do you have a happy place?  A place you can close your eyes and BE THERE?  Sometimes at night when I am worried about things and I just can't get to sleep - I go to my happy place.  My happy place is the skating rink.  I practically lived there during Junior High and High School.  My best friends and I would meet there every Friday night.  Sometimes on Saturday nights and even on Sunday afternoons.  The very best event was the "all Night Skate" that was held the night of the Jerry Lewis Telethon.  They locked us in until 8:00 in the morning.  We skated and ate and played UNO then skated some more.  Sometimes we piled up in a heap and took a nap, then ran for Nachos and popcorn and skated some more.  It was the best time. 

*No one I know.  But one of my absolute favorite photos EVER.

The last few nights have been restless.  I keep seeing out car sliding downhill towards the other cars.  I see The Bean in the seat beside me.  I think about what could have happened on that rain slick road.  And, as sad as we are to see our pretty car (that is what we call it) smushed up, it sure beats being in the hospital or far, far worse.  So, when I close my eyes and see us sliding, I shake my head and put myself back on the skating rink floor.  I can hear the wheels on the wood floor.  I can see the lights and hear the music.  It was full-on Disco music back then and I can hear Sister Sledge singing, "We are Family" my friends and I whip around the floor.  (Or better - "Whip It!" by Devo!)  

I had my shares of teenage angst moments at the skating rink.  A certain boy that I swore I loved would stop by and watch everyone skate.  He finally stayed one night to skate and asked me to help him.  I held his hand and we went around the rink.  I might as well as had on a full blown wedding gown and veil.  I was certain that it was the beginning of our lives together.  But, he was just my crush and skating buddy in the end.  When I was 16, he moved away and took part of my heart with him.  I wondered if he ever would even remember me today.  That question was answered when I got a Facebook Friend request out of the blue not too long ago.  He's not still the sweet thang he was back then - little pudgier, a little gray.  But, when I go to my happy place, he's there all sweet and smiley and blinking those eyelashes at me.  *sigh*

Oh, wait, I am supposed to be talking about the Skating Rink!  Not a BOY!  The skating rink was my happy place, but he's a large part of the reason it was such a happy place to be back then.  If it helps you relax and helps you get some rest, I think escaping to your teenage happy place with an old beau is just the way to do it.  

Do you have a Happy Place?

*I mainly wrote this post to replace the photo of my car that is showing up on every blog on the internet that links to me.  I keep seeing it everywhere!  Not good!


  1. Hey Shara!
    The 'Happy Place' is where you need to go and stay! And I still have my skates! I got them when I was 32ish and my boyfriend and I used to street and sidewalk skate in Downtown Houston, Austin and on the seawall down in Galveston! Dark Blue suede...oh yeah!

  2. that photo is WONDERFUL. We have an old mom and pop skating rink here that we used to skate at when we were young. Not my happy place (where is that for me?), but a great throw back happy childhood memories.

    p.s. The floor on it floats as it is near the Willamette river. It flooded years ago and when they rebuilt it they put it on a floating system. If the river ever floods again, the floor would rise up and not be damaged....

  3. So glad you weren't hurt in your accident. I really don't know if I have a 'happy place' or not. But when I remember the night I met my husband, I feel better. Maybe that's it.

  4. My happy place is surrounded by my ever-expanding yarn stash. Which has outgrown every place I've tried to contain it.


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