
Monday, June 11, 2012

The Week in Junk 6/11/12

Between Friday and Saturday, I brought in four huge shopping bags full of yard sale finds.
(Yes, those are giant Joann's bags - I love those darn bags!)

I brought it all in, sorted it into keep and sell and found I had a lot in the "keep" pile, but most of it wasn't very photoworthy. I bought a big stack of books. Every week I tell myself NO BOOKS. Those are the weeks I seem to find boxes of books that are practically FREE. The very first sale I went to this week had a box of brand new expensive hardback kids books for 10¢. I picked up a pile of them to mail in surprise packages to two certain special little ones in my life.  I also found several good books for The Bean and a few books for me to thumb through.  The very last sale yesterday, a lady gave me a pile of decorating books including Martha Stewart books for FREE.  She was funny - more on her later. 

Friday morning I went to a few sales before we had errands to run.  I headed out looking for a few things to sell in the booth.  I wasn't looking for furniture, but I found some!
I spotted this hutch from the street and was surprised it was still there.  Furniture usually sells first thing in the morning, so I assumed it was probably expensive.  I was surprised to see a price tag of only $30.00 on it.  I decide to bite on it.  The Flea market recently added a furniture only booth where we can put furniture for no rent, but a higher commission.  I've never had room for furniture, but now I can branch out and pick up a piece when I see one.  I think I can get $125.00-150.00 for it at the Flea Market.  I considered painting it and redoing the hardware, but honestly, I'd rather let someone else make it their own than go through all that.  If it doesn't sell, I'll attack it then.

On to the other things:

In breaking news:  I bought shoes at a yard sale.  I do NOT buy used shoes.  I don't even look at the shoes.  Ew.  But, I have been wanting a pair of Wellies so these caught my eye.  Luckily, they were still attached together with the elastic cord, so they aren't officially "used".  They were only $1.00, they are cute and they fit.  Perfect!
This light box is from Target.  My idea is to take out the plastic that says LOUNGE and replace it with MONKEYBOX to put out in the booth.  Wish me luck on that one.  If it doesn't work, I will sell it.  $1.00.

A trip to the Super Cheap Thrift netted me this tin chock full of 54 skeins of embroidery floss and a slew of buttons all for the ripe sum of 25¢.  Whenever I get to the tin area at the SCT, I stand there and shake all the tins because they often price the tins with the contents included.  I'm certain I look a fool standing there shaking tin after tin, but if I can get 54 skeins of floss for 25¢, I'll just keep on shaking, thank you very much.
A kit to make any bottle into a lamp.  We picked up some gallon glass bottles at TBM's Grandmother's house that I think will make an awesome lamp.  $1.00.

These gold Napier Owl Salt and Pepper Shakers were 75¢.  To the booth they will go, owl things sell quickly.  I don't understand it myself.  

The last sale of the day yesterday was the last house in a group of neighborhood sales.  They didn't have much, but then again, they still had quite a bit for the end of the day.  I spotted a box with some older tins in it and I proceeded to pick out a couple and ask how much there were.  The lady said, "Sorry - you have to take the whole box - it's only a quarter."  I couldn't argue with that, so I picked up the whole box.  

 Then I found these old flower frogs - again, "How much?"  "Put 'em in your quarter box", she said.
And this old fork turned into a photo holder?  "In your box", she said.  I found several more things that have been long forgotten and added them to the box too.  I found the books I mentioned before and asked how much.  She said, "Those won't fit in your box.  So, they are free."  
Then I found a box of pretty new DVD's.  I asked, "How much?" and she said 50¢ each.  So, I gathered up all of these movies.  As I was paying, she kept pointing to the street and saying "LOOK!"  When I looked back at her, she was sticking random things in my box.  I spotted one more thing as I was leaving and she told me it was a quarter.  "But, you get everything else on the table for FREE with it."  She made getting to a sale late in the day fun.  Most of the extra stuff went to Goodwill, which is what she was trying to avoid doing herself.
 Next door to her house, I found this cool vintage apron - "To Hell with Housework!"  Can I get an Amen!  I really, really try not to collect aprons.  But, this one might have to stay with me for awhile.  It cost 12¢.  I kid you not.
I found this vintage BBQ Apron at a sale for 50¢.  It will either go to the booth or to ebay.  I haven't decided yet.  First, it needs a washing.

At the Veteran's Cemetery fundraising sale I bought a box of Christmas items and salvaged these items out of it.  I especially love that pink holly thingy.  
I also got this old ornament hook box for my collection.  Notice the original price of 10¢?  Then notice the store's lowered price of 8¢?  Speaking of noticing things - did you notice the box the Christmas ornaments were in?
FRIED CHICKEN!  It's a Fried Chicken box from Carlsbad Caverns.  I did some research and found that there used to be a cafeteria at the bottom of the Cavern and they sold cold Fried Chicken box lunches.  

Notice the FREE pickles, mustard and mayonnaise at the stands.  WOOHOO what a deal!  This silly old fried chicken box is probably my favorite find of the day.  It never should have been saved or kept around for all these years.  It was trash, yet here it is all these years later.  I'm researching it a bit more, I may sell it since it is a hard to find item, I assume.  The price for my Fried Chicken box?  5¢.

Hmmmmm...I wonder if Popeye's is open?

What did you find this weekend?

Seriously, does anyone know if Popeye's is open????


  1. good finds as ususal I like the boots. popeyes we do not have one in this state I think. At least I have never seen one.

  2. What a great assortment!! Sadly, the sales around here are so pitiful!!

  3. It is 7:30 in the morning and now I'm craving fried chicken. Thanks a lot! LOL

    PS--who eats mustard and mayo with fried chicken? Unless it's in sammich format?

  4. Your light up booth sign idea is pure genius! Hope it works out for you. That yard sale lady was too funny -- and great scores for you!

  5. I really enjoyed your story of 'put it in the box' lady! How funny! Great finds all around but the chicken box did crack me up! I agree who would have kept it but aren't you glad they did. If I could just find a box of embroidery thread fir 25 cents it would make my day. hugs, Linda

  6. Wow!! so many awesome finds, I feel like I got something out of it myself, LOL! Good job you! Here's hoping that mojo rubs off!

  7. I say Ebay the fried chicken box...cause I want it! :-)
    How fun is that?
    You had a good day!

  8. I wish I'd run across someone like your "put it in the box" lady.

    That chicken box is awesome. We went to Carlsbad Caverns about 15 years ago, and they have a small vending area to get a soda or bottle of water, but you can't carry it around with you. I can't imagine a whole cafeteria in there! Let us know if you Ebay that - I bet you'll do well!

  9. I wish I'd run across someone like your "put it in the box" lady.

    That chicken box is awesome. We went to Carlsbad Caverns about 15 years ago, and they have a small vending area to get a soda or bottle of water, but you can't carry it around with you. I can't imagine a whole cafeteria in there! Let us know if you Ebay that - I bet you'll do well!

  10. somewhere in all my junk I have a postcard and a cocktail napkin for the resturant in the cavern! it's my Grandmothers, and it boasts that they can sit/serve/feed 1500 people at one time!

  11. What a fun lady that kept popping items in your just never know the people you encounter. Great chicken box! CLUCK!

  12. I first went to Carlsbad Caverns in the early 1970's, and then again in the mid-70's and possibly a third time in that time period. My brother was in the Navy and stationed in New Mexico. I know, Navy and New Mexico aren't usually words you think of together! When we were there, they still had the cafeteria in the lower cavern and it seems like the food was good. When I got married in 1985, that's where we went for our honeymoon. By that time, the cafeteria was gone but it seems like they had boxed lunches and vending machines. That box is really cool.

  13. Popeye's? Don't you mean KFC?? Really! Them's fighting words in these parts. Great finds. Love your quarter box woman. Also really love the aprons.


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