
Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Day of Thrifting: All By Myself

Yesterday I dropped the boys off at the movies to see Men In Black 3.  It was really hot and I really would have preferred going to the movies too.  But, I am not a fan of a) aliens, b) robots or c) shoot outs and that pretty much surmises the entire men in Black series.  So, I dropped them off and headed out into the heat to do some thrifting.  I headed to the next town over, the home of my High School Alma Mater and my teenage angst years to see what I could find all by myself.  Four thrifts later, I had only found a few things.

I bought a couple yards of this vintage material at the Salvation Army.  It had no price and signs all over the store said "NO TAG - NO SALE", but I decided to take it to the register anyway.  The lady didn't blink and eye about no tag and told me it was $1.00.  Whew.  I'm still trying to identify it, so if  you have any ideas, let me know.  I also bought a plastic shoe box full of very expensive decorative tassels which I forgot to photograph.  The entire box was only $1.00 and I think I can sell them in the booth for at least $100.00 individually.  

Two crocheted watermelon potholders for the collection.  50¢ each.  Surely I am about to find all that were ever made?   A polka dot bent glass tray that reminds me of Wonder Bread bags for 50¢.
A 1948 copy of Huckleberry Finn with spelling like "Arkansaw" for $2.00.

 A nice old Atlas where all the maps are in red, white and blue.  It's from the 40's, and it includes a map of space and the planets.  It was $1.00 at a thrift that said, "ENTIRE STORE 50% OFF:, so I paid 50¢.  Funny thing was, I noticed that most of the prices were at least double if not more than they usually are.  So, half price want' that great after all.  (Not the book - the book was a good deal).

An old metal letter basket (I hoard these things), a small glitter-y duck for my Easter decor and a book, "Two Kisses for Maddy".  I read Matt, Liz and Madeline and have been wanting to read the book.  This is an Advanced Uncorrected copy that was not Retail Sale, yet I paid 35¢ for it at my favorite "old lady thrift".

My favorite "old lady thrift" - that sounds  politically incorrect, but you know what I mean.  The whole thrift is run by women over 80.  I noticed a lot of the items were priced 15¢, 35¢ and 85¢.  Times are hard, prices are going up so they have increased their prices from 10¢, 25¢ and 75¢.  Love those ladies.  They still price egg cartons and empty Margarine tubs because they feel they have worth and are not just trash.  I have been going to this thrift since I was in Elementary School.  It will always be one of my favorites.  

As I looked around, I had only found the Maddy book and the two potholders.  I decided to hit the fabric bins.  This store, and many other thrifts, are notorious for putting vintage tablecloths in the fabric bin.  So, I always have a dig.  Plus the thought of finding a feedsack is always there too.  I didn't find a tablecloth, but I did spot what looked like feedsack fabric, so I pulled it out.  

It was an old quilt top with feedsack turtles on it.  I have never seen a turtle quilt before.  (I wish it was a completed quilt.  I really need to figure out how to finish off all these quilt tops I seem to find.)  The price on the masking tape was $6.00 which was a great price for all those old feedsack turtles.  When I went up to pay, the lady rang up my purchases....."Thirty five cents.  Fifty cents.  Fifty cents.  Six dollars.  SIX dollars? SIX DOLLARS!" she said.  "I didn't know we EVER priced anything THAT much!" she said.  She looked at me to make sure I still wanted it.  I said, "Big money, huh?"  And she laughed and I paid my $7.35.  I showed her the turtles and she loved them.  She had never seen a turtle quilt either.  

By the time I picked up the boys i thought I hadn't found much, but now that I see it all here, I suppose I did okay.  I really do love that quilt and that was probably worth the day out.


  1. I love that you have such a history with some of these thrifts! (And wait - it's not really spelled Arkansaw?)

  2. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I posted on FB that I think that is Pennsylvania Dutch but I have been researching it and I am not so sure. Growing up my mother loved that print and we had curtains and a table cloth to match. She is in the hospital right now (nothing serious) and I as soon as she is feeling up to it I am going to ask her what is the name of the print. I intended to ask her yesterday but she was not feeling well and even though I did want to interrupt her complaints of dying for our more important matters I held back.

  3. Lots of awesome finds! I love the turtle quilt top!!! Now if you are going to sell those tassels for $100 ea I want to see a photo!!! hugs, Linda

  4. I've seen one of those turtle quilts somewhere. But now it escapes me. I think it was a blog that is now defunct? The turtles and the lantern pattern rarely ever show up. Either way, you know I love them!

  5. Found it

  6. Love the turtles! They'd be cool by themselves, but in feedsack? Awesome!

  7. great finds as always I am with you on the movies not my kind of movie.

  8. You are the QUEEN - That is so cool, that you found the turtle quilt top - LOVE IT!!!! Thrift shops in my area think they are antique shops, so I rarely do as well as you do. I am not into movies much either - unless they are about the old days, or the country!

  9. LOVE that turtle quilt - and $6 - amazing!!! Love how you call the store "old lady thrift". I would call it the same. I think it is cute. I love that they price the "white trash tupperware" to sell(how is that for politically incorrect!). They see value in stuff and don't just throw everything away like most of us do. Gotta love it!

  10. Waaay worth the trip out! :)


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