
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Banana Day

Spotted this card at the store the other day.  

Thought it was pretty funny.
And kinda true.

Hope you are having a nice Father's Day with your father, Hubby or both.

*When the Bean was a very wee Bean, he couldn't make the "D" sound so it came out as a "N" sound.  Therefore, he called Daddy - Nana.  Absolutely CRACKED ME UP since that is a Grandma name.  But, he was so cute, running all excited yelling "Nana!  Nana!"  He used to get mad at Daddy aka Nana and tell him he was a "Bad Daddy" which came out as BaNana.  Ha!  "You a BANANA!"  I would have to leave the room and go laugh alone because it didn't make Nana aka Daddy happy to hear me hooting and laughing about it.  One day he told The Bean, "You know, my name is D-A-D-D-Y."  "Oh, Daddy!" he said.  And, that was the end of Nana and Banana.  :(


  1. Great story, gave me a chuckle.

  2. Love the card and the story! Nana! Ha, glad he moved on to Daddy! Hugs, Linda


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