
Friday, April 27, 2012

The Waiting Game

I took good clear bright outside pictures yesterday of all m y JUNK that I scored at the big sale and at some other sales.  I used my real camera instead of the iphone camera.  They look great!  But, I cannot find the *#@*^&% camera cord ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!   What the ??????  The Memory Card is a Micro Mini and measures about 1/2" square and I cannot stick that in my computer.  Dang it. Dang it. Dang it.

I'll keep looking if you promise to come back another day!  In the meantime - I can see a yard sale sign out my very own window!!!!


  1. At least you took the will find the card reader...soon I hope. hugs, Linda

  2. I'm so glad other people do the same thing as me...
    You will find it

  3. I have 2 cameras and misplaced the cords for both of them! I did manage to find one, but the other one is still MIA.


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