
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Oh, Baby

I discovered another accidental collection in my stash today - Vintage Baby Books.  The type that a good Mama filled out for every day that the baby did something for the first time.  As of last week, I actually only had two, but then I spotted two more in Beth's Shop and had to order them.  (Honestly I visit Beth's shop several times each day to see what she has in stock.  She sells the BEST goodies at the best prices.  I am addicted!)

These books have the most adorable graphics in them.  
This one is for Baby's First Bath.  
It took me forever to finally give The Bean his first bath.  He was on an Apnea monitor and I didn't really know how to disconnect it to put him in the tub.  I think he was nearly three weeks old before he had his first real in the tub bath.  But, I gave him had to toe wash downs every day.  No stinky Bean, I swear!
Here the Baby looks out to find his Zodiac Sign.  

I am a Leo, The Bean is a Sagittarius.  Our birthdays are 22 days apart.
Baby's First Playmates

The Bean never went to Daycare, so he was friends with our neighbor kids.  The little boy next door was born 16 days after him, so they were very close in age.  That little boy would just show up at my door, in his diaper.  He knew how to sneak out the backdoor, unlock the gate and come to my house.  Thank goodness he came to my house and not anywhere else!  I would call his Mother and tell her that I had him.  I knew he was getting a bit to comfortable at my house the day he walked into the kitchen and said, "Shara....make me some pancakes."  He was only three years old!  I said, "Go home and have YOUR mom make you pancakes!"
Baby's Arrival - The King of the House.  
Before The Bean was born, we had one spoiled cat that was the King of the House.  The Bean quickly took over that position.

Baby's Favorite Playthings
The Bean had a stuffed Pooh that he carried around with him.  A little girl up the street gave it to him on his first birthday, but he never cared for it, so it just sat on the dresser in his room.  One day that next summer, I was going through a catalog and that very Pooh doll was in the catalog.  The Bean was looking at the catalog with me and when he saw Pooh, he said, "Want!"  I said, "You already have one - on your dresser." He ran to get it and I swear, he never put it down.  I think he was so excited to get instant gratification that he was beyond happy.  That Pooh is still in his room and sometimes I kiss his nose so he doesn't feel left out.  
Baby's First Visitor's
When The Bean was born and I was still in the hospital, The Breadman's ENTIRE extended family came to my room, lined up chairs facing me and just SAT THERE looking at me.  For hours, I think.  They never visited us before, they never talked to me, yet here they came with me all tired and cranky and needing Sitz Bath's and decent food and just STARED at me.  Finally, about 9:00 at night, I broke into uncontrollable tears and ran into the bathroom.  *Ding* The Breadman figured it out and sent them HOME.  They always had a mark against them after that for being completely daft.  

Baby's First Birthday
The Bean was SO sick on his First Birthday.  So, so sick.  He was up all night, throwing up, high fever, no sleep, no food.  He was just miserable.  I had been up with him all night too so I was completely out of it.  Add that into a ton of people, party decorations and presents to load and carry to the park and nearly 100 degrees and The Bean and I were out of it.  Thank goodness someone took pictures, or I would have no memories of the day.

I am going to try very hard not to add to this collection, but if I do find another one and the price is right....well, I am pretty sure it will be joining my other Baby Books.  They are cute, sweet and as you can see - they make this Mom nostalgic for her once was little boy.  


  1. I happened over from another blog and knew immediately that I was following! My greatest fear: I'll see more of your collections and have additional items to look for on my thrift and estate sale runs! Fun post on Baby Books, I have mine from Mom sitting under a baby lamp!


  2. Shara,
    I LOVE your blog...can I please come junk with you?

  3. What a fun post!!!

  4. These are so sweet! I love the graphics. I have my baby book and it means so much to me! hugs, Linda

  5. Those pictures are so adorable! I enjoyed reading your memories of the Bean. As he gets older, you are going to really remember the moments when he was young - speaking from experience here because my daughter turned 20 a few weeks back. She was happy, but it was hard for her parents!

  6. So glad I could offer you goodies to start another collection! Thanks so much for the shout out!~~~XXOO, Beth

  7. Shara loved to hear about "The Beans" precious memories. Too cute.
    His "Birth"day sounded very familiar. Our hospital had a small room outside the actual birthing room. And when I arrived at the hospital that room quickly filled up with friends and family. I know they could hear every moan, groan and "Push".By the time my Daniel was born, I had had enough.
    The icing on the cake was when my MIL took off the little hat the nurse had put on him when he was born.I was so mad. Ahh, the memories.


  8. Shara loved to hear about "The Beans" precious memories. Too cute.
    His "Birth"day sounded very familiar. Our hospital had a small room outside the actual birthing room. And when I arrived at the hospital that room quickly filled up with friends and family. I know they could hear every moan, groan and "Push".By the time my Daniel was born, I had had enough.
    The icing on the cake was when my MIL took off the little hat the nurse had put on him when he was born.I was so mad. Ahh, the memories.



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