
Sunday, April 01, 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookie Scented PUREX Laundry Detergent

*I am a member of Purex Insiders and from time to time, I receive free products to try.  I am sometimes hesitant to try new soaps, shampoos and laundry detergents because I am hyper sensitive to scents and perfumes.  I get headaches and I feel nauseous when I am around strong scents too long. I usually prefer mild scents  or unscented detergents.
That is why I was really excited to receive a bottle of Chocolate Chip Cookie Scented Purex.  I know you are probably thinking...."Whaaaaaaat?"  Well, I did too but I tried it once and WOW am I HOOKED!  Our warm towels smell like warm chocolate chip cookies.  I've taken to taking long soaks in a tub full of milk just so I can use my delicious chocolate chip cookie scented towel.  I feel like I have had a decedent midnight snack every night.  But with absolutely no calories!  My husband smells like fresh baked cookies all of the time.  How awesome is THAT?  Yesterday I was at the store and I couldn't walk five feet without people telling me that I smelled delicious.  The scent really grabs hold of your clothes and stays for a long time.  It's even stronger in the hot sun or in a tightly closed car where the air can't get to you.  I swear, your clothes will smell so good - you will want to eat your own socks!

Why hasn't someone thought of this before?  The possibilities are endless - OREO scented detergent, Peanut Butter Cookie Scented Detergent - heck they could do a tie in with the Girl Scouts and have THIN MINT Detergent.  But, why just cookies?  Why not freshly baked bread?  Or roated turkey?  Really, you could even have Pizza Hut Pepperoni Scented Detergent!  How about Bloomin' Onion Detergent?  (I think I am on to something here.....)

What are you waiting for?  Go buy some PUREX Cocolate Chip Cookie scented laundry detergent TODAY!  I just KNOW you will be as thrilled with it as I am.  Mmmmmmmmm.........laundry!


  1. Darn! I was really wanting some chocolate chip cookie laundry :-) Happy Sunday!

  2. Yeah, me too! Glad you had some fun with us, Shara!

    Happy April 1st to you!

  3. Yeah, me too! Glad you had some fun with us, Shara!

    Happy April 1st to you!

  4. You got me. I can't imagine doing my laundry with something like that! Give me a fresh clean scent any day...

  5. Oh lord, Bloomin onion, you had to go there? I shouldn't tell you this in public, but Dave rather dramatically puked one of those up once. We haven't eat one since. LOL

  6. I'm hoping that this is an April Fool's Day Gotcha!!! The best of the day, by Shara!!! :o} *e*

  7. Lord I thought no way do I want to smell like old food. ok you fooled me!

  8. Harharhardyhar. I fell for it. I figured if they could scent a bowling ball,why not detergent.YES, Storm bowling balls are all scented,cinnamon,grape,creamsicle,gardenia(something stinky) and more.

  9. I already eat my socks. They're really good in marinara sauce.


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