
Wednesday, December 07, 2011

What Have I Bought Now?

The day I found the adorable Marx Dollhouse, I also found all these cookie pans.  They are heavy duty and well made and I only paid $2.00 for all of them together.  But, I don't know what type of cookies they make!  Help?


 #3: Madeleine's?  Maybe?


This one is small, I think it is a chocolate mold????  It came with a bunch of small individual molds which I turned into these......
Which isn't at all cookie or chocolate related, but I like them. :) 

If you know what any of these are, thanks in advance! 


  1. Numbers two and four appear to be eclair pans. I have seen the others before, but I need to think a bit about those before I can give a thought about them. By the way, I only recently found your blog, and I do enjoy it......thanks.

  2. #3 is a madeleine pan for sure. There's also a molded French cookie called petits financiers, which are a molded rectangle about 2 by 3 inches or a little smaller ... I am not a cookie expert (other than eating) but I happen to have a cookie cookbook nearby because I haven't figured out what to make for my cookie exchange Saturday. There are all kinds of cool molded cookies to be made, apparently...

  3. I only recognized the madeleine pan. But I like them! :)

  4. Yes, they are eclair and madeleine pans. Are you putting them in your booth?

    You turned the little tart pans into cute ornaments!

  5. I think 4 is a ladyfinger pan (thinner than eclairs). Great find!


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