
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas.

Don't indulge too much like poor old Santa did!*

We rearranged our holiday celebration this year.  

No presents until Christmas afternoon.  

I'm dying!

 I need a GIFT!

Just kidding.

Sort of.

Wishing all my friends in blogland a very Merry Christmas.

And, you really are my friends.  I'm not just saying that.


*Photo taken at my Dad's house where the holiday decorations are  bit different that mine.  
**Yes, those are Playboy and Hustler magazines behind Santa.  


  1. This cracks me up! I hope you have had a gift (or two or three) by now! I have had one Christmas but won't have mine with Tiger until NEXT weekend...I've seen some pics of his first Christmas morning and he is having a ball! Hugs, Linda

  2. Hope your Christmas was great! Love looking at your stuff! I love the elves and I can't get enough!

  3. Merry Christmas, Shara! Hope you've gotten to open some presents by now!


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