
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve Thrifting SCORES

The day before Thanksgiving is no day to go shopping.  Well, for groceries anyway.  It is, apparently a VERY good day to go to Goodwill!  On my quest to find more ornaments for wreaths and some garland to decorate the booth, I headed straight to the Christmas section. I didn't find any ornaments or garland, but oh, did I find some goodies!

The little vintage "Days To Christmas" Countdown mailbox is sweet and will go to the booth.
A German Baker smoker.  Oh, how I love these smokers.  I have a few so I was happy to add this to my collection.  Note:  He is a BREADMAN.

I was really happy to find this sweet St. Lucy.  I don't thik she is old, but she is well done with a paper mache face, glass German glitter and spun cotton candles.  She is really special.
The only non-Christmas items I bought.  I found two brand new boxes of Mr. Sketch Scented Markers.  I remembered these from when I was a kid and I didn't think they made them anymore.  I was going to resell them, apparently they do still make them and they aren't worth much. I suppose now I can re-live my childhood by sniffing markers.  (I always thought teaching kids to sniff markers was a terrible thing!)

When I first walked up to the Christmas area, I was scanning the shelf looking at every.single.item ('cause you just don't know what might be behind that Dollar General Made in China Angel with the lopsided eyes) when I spotted......

An Annalee Christmas Mouse! 
As I grabbed her and threw her in my basket, I noticed...

A SECOND Annalee Christmas Mouse. 
Ack! Ack!
As I grabbed her and threw her in my basket, I noticed...
A THIRD Annalee Christmas Mouse.
Ack! Ack! Ack!
As I grabbed her and threw her in my basket, I noticed...
A FOURTH Annalee Christmas Mouse.
Ack! Ack! Ack! Ack!
As I grabbed her and threw her in my basket, I noticed...
 A FIFTH Annalee Christmas Mouse.
Ack! Ack! Ack! Ack! Ack!
FIVE vintage 1971 Annalee Mobiltee Dolls. 
(Blogger simply will not let me edit this photo...) 

I know not everyone shares my love of these guys, but I adore them.  To find FIVE at once, well, that was pretty darned exciting.  I did remember to look at the price after I put them in my basket (just in case someone was nuts and priced them ten bucks or something).  I was very happy to see the magic price of $1.00 on the bottom of their itty bity feet. 


  1. I can't believe you found FIVE of those mice at one time! What a fun score for you!

    I think I'm going to get up early...and head to the thrift store! LOL They're opening at 8 am and doing 50% off. I was in on Wednesday and noticed a few things I'd like to pick up so I might hop over and see if they're still available--I figure my chances are good since they were closed today. Nothing special, just a few things I think I can put in my Etsy shop. I'm staying far away from the other stores! I love a deal but BF has ZERO appeal to me!

  2. I love all your finds. You are so lucky! I still have some 20 year old scented markers and the smell is still going strong. Have fun with your sniffing - but don't inhale too hard!

  3. Oh, SO HAPPY for you!!!! Finds like those are what keeps us going 8-)!

  4. Love your mice! How cute and only $1 each? I guess these are keepers huh?
    hugs, Linda

  5. I hadn't thought of those markers in years, my daughter had them - then I saw a pic on Pinterest and now here on your blog - funny how things like that happen....

  6. Wow! What a score on the Annalee mice! I seldom find any treasures at my Goodwill, but I keep looking at least once a week, just in case.


  7. You really did SCORE!! Good for you! I am always so jealous of what you find at your thrifts and Goodwill! Ours here where I live always seem to be filled with new garage sale/dollar store leftovers and not so much vintage! Thanks for sharing!! I remember those markers too, but hadn't thought of them for years! :)

  8. I am so happy for you finding all the mice at one time - you hit the mother lode!! And the breadman smoker was meant for you, too - so cute. I swear Shara, you find the best stuff!

  9. Are you kidding me?? 5 dollars for 5 annalee dolls??I am GREEN with jealousy!!! OMG!!


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