
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Eye Surgery and a Box of Happy

On Thursday, my Dad had a Cornea Transplant.  He was scheduled at 1:00 for the surgery, but they did not get to him until nearly 4:00, so it was nearly 6:00 before he was released.  I had no idea what his recovery time would be - at least four to six weeks of rest, lying about, keeping that eye shut.  I spent the night with him on Thursday night after the surgery and came home yesterday.  He is not bed ridden, he can get up and move around - he is just not supposed to do those things.  Keeping my Dad still is like trying to shove a hippopotamus in a soda bottle - it just isn't happening.  He is on the go constantly.  He won't even sit down when he comes to visit.  Zoom. Zoom.  On the go.  He walks daily, picks up the trash on the highway, goes to the Senior Center, goes on bus trips with the Seniors (he calls them them the OLD people...uh, hello???)  But, I am happy to report that he knows he can't do much - so even though he isn't happy about it - he is doing what he has to do to recover. 

My dad on his birthday this year.  Those glasses are not prescription.  ha.

When he had the surgery, everyone in the office was so excited that he received the cornea of a 14 year old boy. They talked about it and bragged about it and were all wound up about it. My Dad (or me, for that matter), really did not want to think about where this cornea came from. They were all so happy about it. And, somewhere, some family is really going through a tough time. As the Mom of a 16 year old boy - my heart is sad about this. I just think that is information that would have been best kept to the Medical team and not told to us. I am glad that my Dad got the surgery as his vision will be much improved once his eye accepts it and time goes by. Monday I have to try and see if I can get him qualified for a Home Health Agency to come out for a little bit a few times a week and help him out. I will be going back and forth a lot too. But, I really can't go every day - I drove 125 miles just Thursday getting him here and there. I don't mind doing it - but by golly, if Medicare will pay for some help - bring it on!  He doesn't need Medical help - just some light housekeeping, a bit of cooking and maybe a trip to the store.  He really would like someone to get him out of the house when the time comes he can leave his house.  He must be on the go!  Zoom! Zoom!

When we left the Surgery Center, I realized I needed to go home with him for the night, if not for a week - I really didn't know.  So, we drove to my house and I ran in like a crazy woman to grab my glasses, clothes, pillow, etc.  I was grabbing and throwing and talking all excited because I was stressed out, in a hurry and my Dad was lying in the car alone.  By doing that, I completely freaked out all the cats - our little girl went and hid inside the litter box, which made me think she was sick so that added to the stress.  She hates it when we leave for the night and she is so smart that when she sees suitcases and such she knows it's coming.  She has seizures, which makes me worry about her even more.  Luckily, The Breadman was home to watch them and once the crazy chick (Ahem. Me.) got the heck out of the house, they were fine,

Friday morning he had to be back at the doctor to remove the bandage (which is just a clear contact lens - who knew?) and get a report on his condition.  He decided that he would be fine at home alone once I got him some microwavable meals and some things to eat that didn't require much work.  He has really nice neighbors and they have already checked on him five times since I left yesterday and I have talked to him four times.  He'll do better at resting without other people around to bother him too.

So, you really wanted to hear all that, didn't you?  I do have family that reads this - so that was for them. 

When we left his house, I was anxious to get home and check on the cats.  As we were just about to hit the Interstate, I spotted a sign that said, " BIG SALE" all scrawled out in old lady handwriting and I knew I HAD to go.  I needed a minute of emotional relief and a bit of a dig.  Oh, my the sale this was!  It was in an old outbuilding and it was set up like a store.  I could tell it was a sale that they probably had a lot since it was so professional looking.  There were two older ladies siting at a table along with their dog, Baby Doll and they had Gospel music playing in the background.  I didn't know what to expect, but then I started finding grab bags for 10¢, 25¢ and 50¢.  Boxes of random junk were 50¢.  There was lots of junk in those boxes - I did buy one which most went in the trash, but I scavenged a bunch of vintage mercury glass picks off one candle holder and that was worth the junk, work and 50¢.

My very best find was this box:
It's just a old gift box from a department store - about three inches deep.  It couldn't hold  much, now could it?

Oh!  Vintage picks, wrapping paper, cocktail forks, Dresden, big buttons, cupcake picks - fun stuff! But, wait - that's not all!

WooHoo!  A box of Happiness.  Vintage goodies of all kinds - mercury glass picks in PINK, mercury glass beads, plastic picks, Dresden, vintage gift tags, satin balls, and on and on.  I love this little junk so much.  Every time I dig through it, I find more and more. 

I've not )yet) succumbed to the vintage wrapping paper obsession - but this one could just set me off in this direction.  Adorable.  The price for the entire box of goodness?  One quarter. 

I <3 old lady sales.

Other finds included this old plastic tablecloth with awesome graphics.  25¢

Paper placemats with matching oilcloth tablecloth - 75¢.

Mr.s Claus and a yoyo Santa.  Not my vintage style - but vintage enough for the booth. 25¢ each.

My high dollar splurge.  Vintage tree topper.  75¢ (splurge!)

Sweet girl ornament marked Japan and a fun German woodchopper guy.  Keepers.  10¢ and 25¢.

Big pile of new vintage sheet music books - all Christmas themed.  Two of each shown.

Nearly twenty unused sheet music books.  I'm ashamed to admit the price.  10¢ each.  (I know!)

Mattel Red Riding Hood Doll, Whitman Tree Book, Vintage Chalkboard, tiny USA green pepper planter - 80¢ for all.

Look at these!  Tiny girl's Chinese slippers (25¢)  that look like owls.  I mean how stinking cute are they?  I have a tiny Chinese outfit and these shoes are perfect for it.  Look out Hazel - it's time to change your clothes! 

Tiny worn boys leather shoes with hard soles.  Not sure why I bought these - they just looked loved and worn and old.  I'll stick them in the booth.  25¢.

It was such a fun sale.  I asked the ladies if it was a regular sale and they said that they did have them once a month, but they had gotten annexed into the city and could only have two sales a year starting next year.  They lived way out in the country, over a low water creek and on a dirt road.  It seems silly to me that they have to abide by the same rules as residential sales.  I suspect those sales are great entertainment, fun and some money (although not much as I didn't see a thing marked over $1.00 in the whole place) for them. 

Oh yes - we got home fine, the cats are fine, the house was fine and my Dad is still doing good.  The end.


  1. Super finds.And such a deal!Yeah for you.Wishing your Dad a speedy and easy recovery.

  2. Oh my gosh, what an eventful few days. Best wishes to your Dad (and you!) as he recovers from his surgery. You deserved running into that wonderful sale. More great finds!

  3. I'm glad that your dad is doing so well. He will be in my prayers, as will the family who made the decision to donate their precious child's organs to help others.

  4. I am so glad your Dad is doing well. I also would not like to think about the loss that gave him the cornea but I'm always touched by the family of an organ donor.

    Great finds and such cheap-o sales like that.
    hugs, Lina

  5. Glad your dad is doing okay, Shara. Sounds like he has a good support system around him, starting with you!

    You should post more often about your cats, too. We don't know them as much as we do the rest of the family!

    And as for the sale...what other word is there...except for AWESOME!

  6. Prayers for your dad's recovery. (btw, I think those Chinese slippers might be dragons, not owls.)

  7. GLAD to hear Dad's doing okay!
    ~AND~ that you got some 'therapy' on the way home ;-)

  8. It's gotta be karma. A good daughter is rewarded for her kindness.


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