
Monday, October 17, 2011

Paid Posts and G i v e a w ay s

Hi.  I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that in the next few weeks, I am going to do some posts about products and having some freebies for you too.  I try to do these sparingly as I want my blog to be about me and my junk and journies.  But, I have had a lot of offers to do posts that I just can't quite pass up this time.  Offers that will allow our family to have a better Christmas this year.  I would NEVER do a paid post for anything that I didn't think was a good product or worth your time. I have four lined up right now.

So, if you see a post like that, read it and you might win something good.  Or wait until the next post when I show my lates junk or journey. 

Thanks guys!


  1. I look forward to them and I am happy you are getting a chance to do some posts that will benefit your family!
    hugs, Linda

  2. I love a freebie - bring it on!

  3. Free is always good.
    I like to read too.


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