
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Memories Scrapbooking Suite

I've had a couple of comments on my new banner - I'm so glad you noticed!  I've always admired blogs with seasonal banners with multiple photos and personalization, but really never figured that I could do it myself.  I always thought they paid a professional to make their headers for them.  I knew how to make my own banner, but they only had one photo and a few simple words. 

Last week, I was contacted by My Memories and given the opportunity to download their My Memories Scrapbooking Suite  for FREE and give it a try.  At first, I only had ideas for Digital Scrapbook pages, greeting cards and other things that I could print out.  But, then I realized that this was something that I could really use on my blog.  So, I opened up the My Memories Suite and started playing around. 
I knew I wanted multiple photos because I wanted the old Black and White photo of my Great Grandparents to be in all my headers, but I also wanted to be able to add in photos of my junking finds, my collections and seasonal photos too.  I started from scratch and added in photos, resizing them to fit and adding in the text at the end.  I picked the colors, the fonts, the curve of the word art, the texture and all the other elements.  I designed this header pretty quickly and I love it.  But, I know now that I can get really fancy if I want too - word art, embellishments, multiple photos - it is all within  my grasp now!
The whole program is so easy to use.  I was surprised at how quickly it downloaded to my computer and how little actual space it takes up.  It is all on your computer so no need to be online at all to actually use it to design things.  There are links within the program that take you to My Memories whee you can purchase additional layouts - but there is a ton to chose from just on the software or you can completely design your own pages from scratch.

I am having so much fun with this program.  Now I am learning how to turn words and add embellishments and features.  I'm thinking this page of Maci & Kennedy will make great gifts this holiday season.

The wonderful people at   have offered to give a copy of the My Memories Scrapbook Suite to one of my readers.  Go visit My Memories and have a look around to see what all you can do with this great software. Come back and leave a comment telling me what you think you would do with your copy of the Scrapbooking Suite.  No entries after Saturday at midnight.  Winner to be announced on Sunday.

If you like what you see at My Memories, and just cannot wait to get your very own copy - please use this special code STMMMS49190 that will provide a $10 discount off the purchase of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software and a $10 coupon for the store - a $20 value!


  1. Wow this looks great. I love your new header. I looked at their site and I would love to try this. With a new Grandbaby this would be such fun to do pages for a scrapbook and also I would love to do a new header for my blog also.

  2. The pages and header you made with the suite are wonderful. Looking around their site it sounds like it's a program even a beginner like me could be successful at. With my family all living in different states I would use it to organize and share the pictures we email to eachother scrapbook a family tree. It would be a terrific way to keep in touch with eachother.

  3. I love your banner! I would love to get a lot of old family photos and make digital scrapbooks:) It would be fun to share with the rest of my famiy.

  4. It looks like FUN! I love what you've done with it!! I can see all kinds of scrapbooking projects and blog fun with this!

  5. Your new banner is great. Looks like a fun way to arrange photos.

  6. Your blog ALWAYS looks great, and I figured that you spent a lot of time on it... had me fooled!! J has been trying to get me to do more of my 'scrapbooking' via computer, but I just.don't.know. I'm still kinda 'old school', and like the hands-on & personal touch of 'real paper' and the tactile of it all. I know it is the Way-of-the-future, but...

    I appreciate what you've done and what you're offering, but I'm afraid it would be wasted on me, so no need to include my name in the hat ;-)

  7. I like the fact that you've already used this, and can really recommend it. I would LOVE to be able to make blog headers for myself! And I like that you don't have to be online to work with it, because my internet connection is awful sometimes!

  8. Oh my goodness Shara, their site makes it sound like even I could START a blog and do my own headers! Love it and love your new "look" Have a good weekend!

  9. looks wonderful! my niece is pregnant, i would love to do a scrapbook for her where i put her picture at a certain age next to the baby at the same age.

    good giveaway, great hostess!

  10. Wow, Shara! I was wondering how you came up with the awesome new header!!! I love it all! Just the other day I was trying to print out the recipe for Friendship Bread and wanted some cute accents to add to the page. This program would have been PERFECT!!! See, I already have a plan for it! I also do a calendar for the grandparents every year and I order it from an online place...I could do my own!!!!! What an fabulous giveaway! Thank you for the chance.


I love my comments. I'd love to respond to everyone, but if you don't have an email address tied to your ID, please sign your name so I will know who you are! It makes it nice to know who is saying what. Now, leave a comment! Please? ;o)