
Sunday, September 11, 2011


Always Remember
Who could ever forget?


  1. Amen...many heavy hearts today. I printed shirts for a Mother whose daughter was in the second tower...she was never found. Mother was leaving for NYC on Friday morning...with the ten shirts in her carry-on for family members to wear at the memorial...and I shed tears on every shirt I printed...her daughter was 22 years old. Heavy heart indeed. *e*

  2. Thank you for saying that. I couldn't forget if I wanted to. I lost friends and co-workers that day.

    Today has been very hard for me with all the media coverage.

  3. Thanks for the tribute, Shara. My husband was at the Pentagon and I am so lucky he's here today.

  4. The media coverage ~ yes, it was everywhere yesterday. I found myself crying more than I anticipated. It brought back so many sad memories. I'm so thankful that nothing happened (as to the speculations of a repeat attack.)


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