
Friday, July 15, 2011


Oh my friends, it has been such a long week. I have learned that there are hateful, mean people in this world. People that think that the world should be handed to them on a golden platter. People that think they are heads above everyone else in the world. People that will do anything and say anything they want no matter how it makes the other person feel.  People that can stomp their feet and bully others into doing whatever they deem.


This isn't anyone in my personal life or anyone I will really ever have to deal with again in the future. But, that doesn't mean that my feeling for this person will change. This doesn't mean that I will EVER forget how this person treated me and my family. EVER.


I won't go into the whole story since it is still unfolding, but it is all a bit unsettling.  Like I said, it's not my family or even a friend, so never fear - I will be fine.  My blood is boiling and my blood pressure is through the freakin' roof.  But, I will be fine someday.  I just had to get this off my chest and that is what my blog is for - so here it is.  You can disregard this post.  Somethings you just have to do for your own peace of mind and sanity. 


  1. Venting is healthy!! Hope things are better soon and Yes...MEAN PEOPLE SUCK!

  2. A really big HUG to you! Hope thing get better soon!

  3. Mean people will get their due. I too have a "mean" person situation. Uggggh. I would like just 5 minutes with the person to give them a piece of my mind. But they are not worth it.

    You are better than them. And we your bloggie friends love you and The Breadman and The Bean.


  4. Mean people DO suck...and I'm with Debra, it will catch up to them sooner or later. Shara, you are one of the NICEST people I've ever had the pleasure to meet!

  5. Sorry Shara, sounds like you met my sister. Hope your day gets better!

  6. You guys are sweet with all your comments. I just seriously needed to VENT! This too shall pass.....

    PS - Vintage Revamped - you gave me SUCH a laugh! Sorry to YOU!

  7. It'll certainly catch up with them - a hundred fold ;o)
    (Vintage revamped made me laugh too!)
    Keep venting - it's good for you.

  8. Feel Better??! Hope so!
    Was just looking at your visitor 'guest book'... you had a visitory from 'Zachodniopomorskie' - FOR REAL????? Yes. Yes it is. It is a Providince in NW Poland - up for adoption!! (Per Wikipedia!)

    Oh, the things we can learn in BlogLand!!

  9. Shara, I am so sorry :-( I'm going through a meanie drama myself so I feel your pain. I hope that it will all be a distant memory soon. Take care.

  10. I'll take care of your meanie, if you'll come get mine! :-)

    Seriously, I'm catching up on my reading and stuff and was really bothered to read about this. I hope it's getting better. Why is it always the nice people who have to put up with a-holes?


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