
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jason

Jason -  

Happy Birthday!

Today you are 40!

I do not have a clue who you are.

I do know that I bought your engraved Pewter baby cup today.

Today is June 14th, 2011. 

And your cup is engraved June 14th, 1971.

So, that makes today your 40th birthday.

I'm sorry no one cared enough to keep your baby cup.

But, I think it is pretty neat that I found your baby cup on your actual birthday. 

Your 40th birthday, to be exact.
So, Happy 40th Birthday, Jason!

*Purchased today at the Super Cheap Thrift for 25¢.  Cool, huh?


  1. Awww! What a great message to Jason!

  2. How funny! And happy Flag Day, too!

  3. How great for you and how sad for Jason. It amazes me the things people give away. I love your header with the bright pottery display! hugs, Linda


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