
Monday, June 27, 2011

Pickin' in Topeka

When I was in Topeka in April, I didn't have time to do any thrifting or yard saling at all.  It was still pretty cold, so I didn't see any Yard Sales and I only passed by Goodwill once - and Goodwill isn't my favorite sort of thrift store, so I didn't stop.

On our way to the Reunion this Friday morning, we hit one sale and then a few of us headed out and hit a few more before lunch, but they were mostly a bust. 

I did buy these three handmade matte white angels marked 'Hawthorne 1974' at the first sale.   When we first walked up the man had said, "If you offered half on most anything, I'd probably take it.....I'm just sayin'."   When I paid for the angels, he only wanted $1.00 for them.  So, I decided to ask abut an old trumpet in a case on the table. 

I've never bought an instrument before, but it looked old and had character.  It was priced $10.00, but he told me I could have it for $5.00.  It isn't perfect, it has a few dents and one of valves needs oil, but it's just neat.  I need to do some research on it.  I can tell that is old, but I don't know how old.  But, I do know that it was certainly worth five bucks!  If it isn't wroth anything, I will think of a junk project for it.

I mentioned last week that part of my family reunion included a "Pickin' Event".  We all kicked in $2.00 and a bunch of us headed out to see what we could find.  The four of us (me, The Breadman, The Bean and my Dad) headed out with my Aunts and Uncles and did a little pickin'. 
We went to Goodwill first. I bought an old board game for $1.99 and three vintage hankies for 59¢ each.
 None of these items were really "pickin'" worthy, but I had to buy them because I didn't know if I would find anything else.
Luckily there was an Estate Sale sign on the corner by Goodwill, so we headed there next.  They didn't have a lot, but I did my best pickin' there.  I wasn't so sure at first when I spotted a table full of Goebel figurines for $10-$30 each, boxes of door hinges for $17.00 and a box of old padlocks for $25.00. 

I found these two perfect vintage tablecloths for a total of $4.50.  I prefer to pay about a dollar for my tablecloths (who wouldn't, right?), but what the heck, they were nice and they would make good souvenirs of my trip. 

When I paid, I asked about that big box of old padlocks I saw out in the yard.  The box was marked $25.00 - Must Take All.  I saw a couple that I wanted to pick, so I asked if the padlocks were all or nothing or....and ended it in an open aired question.  There were two ladies running the sale and I had just witnessed them bickering with a lady over a difference of a dollar on prices, so I wasn't sure they would be open to letting me buy a couple for a dollar two or not.  When I asked, they said that several people had already bought a few out of the box.  "What would you give me for them?" one of them asked.  Well, I don't like to do that, so I just said, I "Oh, wouldn't even know what to offer, I just wanted a couple of them."  At this point, I was still holding a ten dollar bill out to pay for my $4.50 purchase.  The lady looked at my hand and said, "Give me that and take them with you."  I believe I then shouted out "WOO-HOO, Thank you and I love you Ladies" as I ran to collect my box of locks!
When I went to pick it up, I couldn't!  It weighed a ton.  The Bean schlepped it to the car for me.  When I weighed the box - it weighed thirty pounds!  Thirty pounds of locks!
There are forty five assorted very old padlocks and two big rings of keys.  I don't think any of the keys actually go to the locks though.  I found one that dates to 1902.  I haven't even looked at each one of them yet.
There are various brands, sizes and styles.  Although I seriously cannot handle another collection.....I really like all these locks!  I can't believe I got them for $5.50. I never ask for a deal, but I nearly always get a deal!

No matter what I do with them - see that one in the center with the bunny on it?  Yeah, that's a keeper. 
And this tiny one that is about the size of a Nickle will be going on a junk necklace for me.

So, who won the pickin' event?  Well,  I have this ridiculously adorable smart and funny ten year old cousin named Angel.  He went out pickin' and found two English Bone China cup and saucer sets.  His items were chosen as the Pickin' Winner.  He won $20.00 plus they auctioned off his cups and he made even more money.  Ahhh......a boy after my  own heart.  A picker at the age of 10!

So, did you get anything good this weekend?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Two Dog Pond

Head on over to Two Dog Pond and enter this week's necklace contest.
  It features my Great Uncle Murlin.  I've always loved this fun photo of him, so I sent it to Rachel just for fun.  She decided to use it for this week's contest. 

If you've never visited Two Dog Pond before - each week Rachel posts a fun vintage inspired photo.  Readers think up a saying for the reverse and Rachel picks her favorite at the end of the week. 

To enter to win your very own necklace - Think of a witty, clever or inspirational quote, saying or one liner and submit it in the Comments box under this week's post. 

I was the lucky winner last weeks of pendant.  I have won a variety of necklaces from Rachel and they all have sassy or smutty sayings on the back.  I'm really not that kind of gal, but when I see certain things, I am amazed at what comes to my mind first!  Rachel says when I get old, my filter will be off and I will just say those things out loud.  Oh dear.  I am going to be the hit of the Nursing Home!

*Here's the link to my other off-color wins, including the famous "Blue Ribbon Wiener" which I am currently wearing in honor of Congressman Wiener.  Shara's Wins.

Go enter - I'd love to see what everyone comes up with for Uncle Murlin.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Stuff I Brought Home This Week

I hit a few thrifts and a couple yard sales this week despite vowing to declutter my office.  I did donate more than I brought home and what I brought home wasn't that much AND most of it is for resale.  Whew. 
I always show my vintage finds, but sometime I find good NEW stuff that makes me happy.  This week I got a SlapChop, a new in the box Calaphon Commercial Baking Sheet $3.00 and the Williams and Sonoma Alphabet Cookie Cutters for $3.50.  Retail value:  $78.95 according to  Thrifting Value:  $7.75.

This is a really bad photo - but BIG NEWS:  I bought my first piece of Pyrex.  But, I won't be keeping it.  Any of you Pyrex lovers know the name of it?  It's in perfect condition.

I chose a super bad time to take photos - right when the sun was in front of me.  Maybe you can enlarge it and see it better?  Sorry.  Anyway, there is a Stone Critter Eagle, miniature oil painting, assorted miniature brass items and the darnedest cutest pair of doll sized Crocs.

Soap Powder box - No lid, but it's still cute.

Sweet old German Jewelry box - the music movement works.

This is my favorite find and my only true "keeper" - an 1899 copy of "Water Babies" for 50¢.

The color plates are fabulous.  I adore the feel of very old books - imaging all the hands that read it, the joy it brought to people, the pride they felt in owning a book.  This is just the sweetest book.

Next weekend I will be in KS, so no yard sales for me...unless I can manage to veer the car into a few there.  We are having a big family reunion and one of the events is a "Picker's Event" in which we will all go out thrifting trying to find the best deal.  There will be a money prize WISH ME LUCK!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jason

Jason -  

Happy Birthday!

Today you are 40!

I do not have a clue who you are.

I do know that I bought your engraved Pewter baby cup today.

Today is June 14th, 2011. 

And your cup is engraved June 14th, 1971.

So, that makes today your 40th birthday.

I'm sorry no one cared enough to keep your baby cup.

But, I think it is pretty neat that I found your baby cup on your actual birthday. 

Your 40th birthday, to be exact.
So, Happy 40th Birthday, Jason!

*Purchased today at the Super Cheap Thrift for 25¢.  Cool, huh?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Doing Things with Stuff

Sometimes when I drag home some junk, I know full well that I am going to keep it,but I really don't know what I am going to do with it.  Often, I put it in my office/ebay room and it gets lost amongst the clutter.  As I have been cleaning and getting rid of things this week, I have rediscovering some of the things that I brought home.  Rather than re-piling it, I am trying to use it. 

Two Irmi lamps, an Irmi baby mobile music movement and a favorite vintage Nursery Rhyme book - all on a shelf where I can see them and appreciate them now. 

In the future, I want a longer shelf (one that does not have the 1990's heart motif) and it will be white.  And, hopefully *Fingers crossed* I will find a few more Irmi items to add to the mix.  But, at least they are together and organized.  And cute! 

Please disregard the Sports Memorabilia on the side.  At one time, I tried to be nice and share this room and DH wanted Sports Memorabilia.  That was around the time when Mark McGwire was really popular and I thought he was particularly delicious, so we started a Mark McGwire collection.  Now that I have deemed this room ALL MINE, begone Mr. McGwire! 
(Although, our big "Got Milk" poster will stay because The Bean and I started collecting Got Milk ads when they very first started. It also does not hurt that Mr. McGwire is some delicious eye candy in it.  :D )

Oh yes, back to my ramblings......
I bought this old carrier at a sale for $1.00  last summer.  It is for bottles of some sort, but it is a weird size and shape.  Our flat screen TV is smaller than our wall unit, so there are tall empty spaces on either side of it.  And, we can't have empy spaces in this house!  No sirree!  So, today I put the carrier on it's end and added in all the old doorknobs that I have found.  Love that rusty one, the glass one and the black porcelain one.  When we sold The Breadman's parents house, we stole the white knobs off the interior doors.  The man that bought it was talking about basically gutting it and modernizing it, so we knew they would end up in the trash heap.  So, we took them.  Someday, they will be turned into a coat rack.  After we sold the house, we went back to pick up some things and found nearly the entire inside of the house in a dumpster out back.  We pulled out some long pieces of molding painted a 1940's green and blue.  I want to screw the doorknob onto it and have a memory of the house.   Until then, at least they are on display.
I bought a box of very old tray puzzles at a sale for 25¢ at some point.  Most of the puzzles are pretty faded, but this one with animals playing baseball is in good condition.  I didn't know how to appreciate it until today I realized I could frame it.  I had a black frame on hand, so I spray painted it white and then framed the puzzle.  I love the old graphics and I am happy that it is preserved now.

I didn't go junking at all this weekend.  Well, I take that back, I went to a Church Sale that has previously rocked, but this year, I only spent $1.35 for a pink beaded purse, a funky red and white toadstool-y necklace and a wee little RayOVac flashlight that is only about two inches tall.  Since the sale sucked, I lost my mojo and didn't go to any more sales.  I decided to come home and get rid of more things.  Shocking, right?

Oh yes - I did take my yard sale money for the weekend - $10.00 - and buy some scratch off tickets.  I played a $2.00 ticket and won $50.00.  My biggest win on one card so far!  Now, I have some serious pickin' money when the pickin' gets good again.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Joplin - How We Helped

I had really grandiose plans for all the donations everyone sent to me to help buy supplies for Joplin.  I wanted to take that money - $325.00 in all and go shopping using my bargain hunting skills, coupons and ads to get the most bag for our buck.  Apparently, the outpouring of help and donations was almost too much of a good thing.  The volunteers and workers of Joplin were overwhelmed with donations.  Where I live, about 80 miles from Joplin, all the donations trucks have closed up until further notice.  So, that left me with money and nothing to buy.  Then I heard about adopting a family.  That sounded like it was right up my alley and we could buy things specifically for a certain family, get to know them and make them a part of our family.  (By our, I mean my monkeybox blog family).  I signed up, but was informed that I was nearly the 4000th person to sign up so the chances of being assigned a family were slim since the adopters outweighed the adoptees. 

On to the next idea.  I found out that you could Adopt a Classroom - help send in money, books, school supplies, etc. to help out a specific class of kids.  Now, I really liked this idea.  Helping kids, helping a teacher - it all sounded good.  I thought we could send the kids things throughout the year and get to know them too.  If a specific kid had a certain need, maybe one of us could supply it if we had a child that age or a way to find that item.  This idea made me happiest of all.  I signed up and received a response with a form asking me to guarantee a certain amount monthly, so I think they are wanting corporations and companies to do this, not small fries like us. 

On to the next idea.  But, I was out of ideas.  Think, Shara, think!

Today the City of Joplin announced that there is a rare skin eating fungus making the rounds and three people have died.  They are asking for a stop in donations and volunteers until they can get a better grip on what is happening.  That part is super scary.  So, even if I bought things and took them there myself, they wouldn't let me in town to donate it.


So, today I did some research and made some calls and discovered that they The Food Bank is doing the most good helping to get massive amount of donations of food to help feed the citizens and the homeless.  I decided to make a bulk donation of $325.00 to The Food Bank in our names. 



This donation is designated to please help feed the people of Joplin.      Sub-Total:     $325.00

                                                                                                                             Total:      $325.00

I was able to specify how I wanted it used, so I specified to please feed the people of Joplin.  The website says that $1.00 buys 20 pounds of food.  So we just bought 6,500 POUNDS of food.  Yea, us!

I hope everyone that contributed is okay with what I decided to do.  Having that money and honest to goodness not being able to find anything to do with it was stressing me out completely.  I wanted to do something more tangible with it, but I know that it is being utilized for a very good thing. 

Thanks again to everyone for contributing and for helping out.  We all made a difference for at least a day and for a lot of people.  We fed families, kids, volunteers and workers. 

And, we didn't have to do the dishes!  :)

Thnak you to everyone that sent money and that trusted me to do the right thing.  You guys really made me feel loved!

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Out of the Closet

This morning I had to walk down the street to pick up the car at the Repair Shop and pay an $800.00 repair bill.  Ouch.  Since I was feeling sorry for myself about that, I decided to treat myself to a yard sale.  I have been getting rid of things like crazy all week.  So, maybe I deserved a goodie or two, I thought.  Besides I needed something materialistic in my hands that I could say cost me a couple dollars rather than think about the $800.00 for something I couldn't even see.  (But it was needed and I am grateful to have it repaired).
It was a small sale, but I did find a treasure or two.   A huge Dictionary - almost a foot tall.  It has color plates and fun old words in it.  When I asked how much it was, the guy told me that he wanted to take it to an antique auction, but he never got around to it.  I figured he would want too much for it, so I dropped it.  (The idea of buying it, not the actual dictionary!)  He finally told me that I could have it for $2.00.  I also found he strawberry tea towel for 50¢, the white pottery for $1.00 (and I need more pottery.  You will see that in a minute), Royal Copley planter with a sweet bird for $2.00 and the vintage hatpin holder for 50¢.  I think the hatpin holder is my money maker for the day.  Not a bad haul for ten minutes and six dollars.

When I was cleaning out my office closet this week, I was surprised at some of the things I found.  When I first started buying things to resell, I only bought things to resell.  I never thought about keeping anything because I wasn't into vintage stuff.......yet.  I bought it and researched it to see if I could learn more about it.  Some things got boxed up until I could learn more about it.  Some things, apparently, got boxed up and forgotten about until this past weekend. 

Imagine my surprise when I opened a box and discovered P.O.T.T.E..R.Y.  The kind of pottery I look for everywhere I go and dream of finding.  Loads of it.
I found YELLOW Pottery.

GREEN Pottery.

BLUE Pottery.

And even WHITE Pottery.
But, I was really surprised to find my very favorite.....PINK Pottery.
In my very own closet.

These are the keepers.  Pink, aqua, yellow and white. 

I'm sure I can squeeze it all into my shelves.

Or not.

It's a mad hot mess, isn't it?  I just keep piling it in there, hoping and praying it doesn't collapse or crash. 

So far, so good. 

I actually did rearrange it and pull quite a few pieces out and manage to work in the new stuff.  It's still sort of a mess, but I love it all.  I'm looking for the perfect hutch this summer to put it all in.  I'm particularly partial to that first shelf full of pink and yellow and aqua. 

Lots of Church Sales and Yard Sales tomorrow.  I am going to go to a lot of them, but I will show restraint.  I am making progress here in the house and it feels good.

But, a new piece of pottery feels pretty good too, right?  :D

Monday, June 06, 2011

I'm Baaaaaaaack!

Did you miss me?  Oh, you didn't realize I was gone?  Oh.  Friday morning, my modem on my computer stopped sending signals.  Deader than a doornail.  I thought maybe it was the cable, so I let it wait until later that night to report it.  They said the signal was very weak and someone could come fix it on MONDAY.  Whaaat?  No Internet all weekend?  What would I do with my time?  The answer is clean the hell out of the house and send a (literal) truckload of donations to the Salvation Army. 

While sorting boxes in the closet - boxes that I honestly haven't seen or opened in about 12 years - I found the coolest stuff.  Things I didn't even remember ever buying.  Who would have guessed that I have pastel pottery, vintage tablecloths and an Annalee doll packed away?!??!  The things I did find made me so happy that it was easy to get rid of all the other stuff.  I still have a lot of sorting and tossing to do - but I am on my way!

I bought a few good things this weekend too. 
A lovely aqua Abdington Pottery planter.   $2.00 added this lovely to my collection. 

This little frame was in the FREE pile at a sale.  It had a faded religious print in it, but I swapped it out for a vintage photo.  The little drawers had lots of teeny things in them, but it was pretty much junk.

Thanks for all the comments on the lamp fiasco from last week's post.  Now I know why I didn't get the lamp last week.  It's because I was meant to have this lamp.  My Grandmother had a blue one like it that was in my Mom's Nursery.  When she moved to AR, it disappeared.  I always remembered that sweet lamp, so I was really happy to find one of my very own. Now, I just need to find a shade and this $5.00 cutie will be complete.
When I spotted this unused card of 1960's hair clips at a sale, I knew they could be used as hair clips and repurposed for all sorts of things - thumbtacks, frames, etc.  I picked up the card and the lady having the sale magically pulled out another card.  So, I grabbed it too. 
Then I noticed these larger bright colored flowers and picked them up too.  Once again, the lady pulled out a replacement.  I picked it up and she did it again.  In the end, I had four cards of the bright colored flowers and eight cards of the white flowers.  I will be putting them in my Etsy Shop (someday soon).

At one sale they had a big box full of Christmas stuff for $10.00.  It was really cheapy stuff and not worth much at all.  But, I did spot these two glass monkey ornaments and the pickle ornament in the box.  I took a chance to see if I could just buy those, but didn't know if it would be reasonable since those were really the only three decent items in the box.  I was happy when they guy said, "50¢ for them all".  Score!

My biggest purchase of the day, both in size and money-wise was this handmade metal wind yard ornament.  It was $15.00, but I thought it was worth it - very heavy and well made.  The Breadman said he couldn't believe I had paid that much.  I told him I thought it was worth it.  "Oh, it is," he said. "It's just you are so cheap!"  Uhm, thanks?

Anyway, it is neat and I like it.  Now I have to find the perfect place to put it so the wind turns it and it is safe from being stolen and safe from hands.  I think it is made out of old lawnmower blades and you could easily lose a hand!
Joplin Relief Update:  There has been a delay in my posting because there has been a delay in the acceptance of donations.  There was such a huge outpouring that the city of Joplin was overwhelmed with donations.  They have now put a hold on any incoming items into the city.  That's the bad news.  The good news is that I have signed up with an organization that is doing a program similar to the Salvation Army Angel Tree.  I will be assigned a specific family, they will send me a wishlist of items that I will purchase and mail to them.  I really like this idea the best of all.  We will be able to help a very specific person or family this way.  And, we can communicate with them, see what they need, hear their story, etc.  I am looking forward to getting our assigned family and start shopping.  Your money is safe and secure and just waiting to be used.  I hope that is okay with everyone.  If you have any questions or concerns, drop me a line!  Thanks!

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The Day I Felt Like a Crook

When I went to the Flea market today to pick up by big check (not), I noticed a new booth right behind mine.  Better have a looksie, I always say!
The first thing I spotted was this Redman basket.   I thought it was missing the lid, but there aren't any screw holes where the lid would go, so I am thinking it just might be a Market Basket.  It is a very large basket, has a different pattern in the weave than any of the other baskets that I own and it unique since it doesn't have the lid.  So, you know I needed that basket!  But, what would the price be?  You never know at that Flea Market - sometimes it's high, sometimes it's not.  The lucky price on this one was $6.00, so now it is mine!

Since the basket was inexpensive, that probably meant the entire booth would be priced low, so I look a closer look.  I found this set of old teddy bears for....wait for it.....One dollar.  They are jointed bears, stuffed with sawdust and they have glass eyes.  I know they are old, but I don't know how old.  It's research time!

I spotted some baggies hanging on a peg with what looked like vintage store signs in them, so I took them down to have closer look.  Each bag had between 5-10 vintage embossed signs in them and each bag was priced at $1.00.  That is a steal!  I bought all six bags and ended up with over 40 signs.  I love old store signage, even though I really have no practical application for them!  But, at that price, I had to scoop them up.

I left the Flea Market with a good feeling having found such fun things at great prices and headed across the street to the Thrift Store.  My good feeling would not last long. :(
The first thing I found was this old basket purse (with those bears still hanging on) for $1.29.

I am not supposed to buy tins.  I haven't ever shown my tin collection on the blog.  But, I have a lot of tins.  Hundreds.  Maybe three hundred.  And they are in my bathroom!  (Figure that one out!)  Anyway, I started collecting tins years ago to fill some weird shelves in the bathroom and I quickly filled them up, so I am not supposed to buy any more.  But, my self-imposed rules are easily broken.

How could I resist this seriously sweet Boudoirs Biscuit tin for 75¢?  I love tins that used to hold actual items - not just the retro collectible tins. 

And this tin, also 75¢, was a no brainer - pink, stripes, chocolate, GODIVA?  Yes, please!  A real Godiva Chocolate tin from Belgium.  Mmmmm...mmmmm.

Now, it is about to get ugly.

I walked by the lamps - and I never look at lamps because I have all the lamps I need.  But, there sitting on the floor is a lamp made out of a basket - a lidded Longaberger to be exact.  Now I have said in the past, I am not a Longaberger basket collector.  But, I do love well made baskets and puck them up to use whenever I see them.  This was an awesome lamp - nice basket, lid fit tightly, lamp was tightly installed and the shade even matched.  Score!  It would look perfect on my Picnic Basket stack side table in the living room.  This thrift is priced really reasonable and certain color tags are a percent off everyday, so I excitedly looked for the tag.  It wasn't priced, but to me, that meant the tag probably popped off since it was on wood.  Tags never stay stuck on wood. 

A lady that works there happened to walk by, so I said, "Excuse, me.  This lamp isn't marked.  Do you have any idea??"  "Oh, I will have to take that to the back."  "Okay, thanks.  I'll wait here," I said.  That is when her eyes got all big and said "YOU CAN'T BUY IT!  We do not let people that (insert air quotes) "FIND" items without tags buy them - ever!"  And she stormed off with my beautiful basket lamp never to be seen again.  She really knocked the wind out my sails.  She made me feel like a crook!  And, it really embarrassed me. 

I kept walking around looking at things, thinking maybe the lamp would reapear from the back and I would make The Bean go get it, but it never did.  (But, I bet I go back tomorrow, just to see......)

When I checked out, the lady said, "Are you doing okay, today?"  So, I decided to say something about it.  I told her that I found a lamp sitting on the shelf without a price and it was taken from me and I was told I couldn't buy it.  She looked at me long and hard and said, "Ohhhhh, you think we are going to bend the rules just once just for you?"  Well crap, put down twice in ten minutes.  Niiiiiiice.  She went on to tell me about all the dishonest people in the world and how it is so easy to take a price tag off and ask for a better price.  That pissed me off because I felt like she was implying that I did it.  She is free to think it, but she shouldn't imply it to my face.  And, actually, LADY, if I wanted a better price, I would have gone over to the ORANGE TAG section where everything is a quarter today and did an old tag switcharoo.  Or find a green tag that is 75% off today or a blue tag that is 25% off today or just any random f*ing tag that is the price I want to pay.  Or stuff it under my blouse. Or just run out the door with it.  But, did I do any of those things?   No.  I would NEVER do those things because I AM AN HONEST PERSON.

I realize that some thrifts have the policy about not selling things without a tag.  That is their right and I understand it.  But, I have taken things to the register at every thrift I have ever shopped at without a price on it and been told a price every.single.time.  And, not ONCE did I ever take a tag off.  EVER!!!!

(I think I am going to have a stroke it I keep typing this!  It was the attitude that really got to me.  And, this is a Volunteer Run CHURCH thrift, so the attitude and niceness could use a little work.  Uh, make that a LOT of work.

Okay, so now I feel better for venting it out.  And, I know that you guys don't think I am a crook because I have had such a wonderful response to the Joplin relief post.  My sweet loyal lovely caring readers have contributed $300.00 to help buy things to donate to a family.  I have cried more than once when I opened an envelope or received a PayPal "You've Got Money" email.  I heart is touched and I will do my best to make everyone proud.  That money will do a LOT for a family.  I will do different post about that.  Just wanted to say that because I have had a warm fuzzy feeling for a week.  And, those crabby ladies will NOT take that from me.  They can take their basket lamp away from me, but not my warm fuzzies! :)