
Sunday, May 01, 2011

Royal Wedding Party & Eye Candy too

So, did everyone watch the Royal Wedding?  I had the DVR set and thought I would fast forward through it and just watch the high points, but I truly got suckered in to it, hook, line and sinker!  I was surprised to realize that the Charles and Diana wedding was 30 years ago!  It doesn't seem that long ago.  I could have sworn I remembered watching it in my apartment, but since I was only 14 years old, I guess I wasn't!  :D

My Mom was going to come over on Friday and we didn't have much planned, so I asked if she wanted to watch the Wedding while she was here.  "Yes!"  she said.  So, I had only a short time to prepare a bit of a Royal Wedding party.  I dug in my treasures to see what I could find.

I had already found the printables online earlier in the week, so I printed off a banner, a flag and some cupcake picks.  I had found the crowns a few weeks ago at the thrift and already had a couple vintage tiaras (I am ashamed to admit).  I have had the tin from the Queen's coronation for quite a while, so I added that in too.
I received the Double Decker bus in a swap from the UK last year.  I threw in a couple vintage tea tins and that was about it.

I had this doll in my booth, but had just pulled it the day before, so that was lucky timing.

My cake looks a little lopsided in this photo, but I think it was just my angle.  I made a yellow cake and buttercream icing ( love that Kitchen-aid made Buttercream icing - Perfection!).

For a fun surprise, I made a three layer cake - red, white and blue. 

I loved the wedding.  Loved it when William leaned over and said, "You look beautiful".  Loved the hats - even the crazy ones.  Loved the sour faced people and the happy ones.  Loved the HUGE crowds and the fact that Kate said, "Wow!  That's a lot of people!"  Someone asked me what the big deal was about a wedding - Well, I think it was a big deal in the pure planning and the fact that it went off to the second and without a hitch (except perhaps the Queen's little nap in the middle).  I think the very idea that a "commoner" can marry a real Prince is just fantastic.  I loathe the whole Disney Princess thing, but I love the idea of an actual Prince.  I think the idea of the horse and carriage and castle and all of it is just really wonderful.  I think America could use something like that - a reason to gather in the streets and unify in one big happy group.  I don't mean that as a political statement - I just think that entire country being one for that day was utterly fantastic.  I loved it all.  (Except that Spice Girl's sour non-smiley face.  For Pete's sake, she has David Beckham on her arm - what more could a girl ask for to SMILE ABOUT?????)

Sweet fancy Moses!
(There's the Eye Candy in the title)


  1. Me thinks you had a royal time.
    Couldn't Beckham find somewhere ...ah...else to stash his soccer ball?

  2. I love how you can always come up with last minute items from your stash to celebrate an occasion!! You amaze me, lol!!!!

  3. I got the box oh such sweet goodies. Love the easter things we are holding our Easter redo on the 15th. My sadie was sure there was a cat in that box! Thank you so much Shara I loved everything.
    I got sucked into the wedding also and I said I wouldn't love that you had a fun day with your mom

  4. David B is reason enough to throw a party!!

  5. LOL, yes the cake and eye candy both look positively yummy!

    Love your decorations!


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