
Wednesday, April 06, 2011

This and That

There is a certain church not too far fom my house that has a Rummage Sale once a year.  The only way they "advertise" it is to put RUMMAGE SALE on the marquee.  Unless you look for it - you won't see it.  Consequently, the junk is always plentiful and the customers are sparse.  I drive by this particular Church about five times a week and every single time I drive past it, I look at the marquee to see if it says those magical words.  Guess what it said yesterday?  RUMMAGE SALE - THURSDAY.  My heart leapt into my throat and then I rmembered something.  Guess who scheduled for her car to be serviced Thursday and will be car-less all day?????  *sigh*  I will just tell myself it is just Granny dresses, crusty Tupperware and Happy Meal toys this year.


To my Egg Swappers - the eggs are almost all here - I am waiting on two more but they should be here tomorrow or Friday.  I should be geting the eggs out on Monday.  The ones that have come in are great - such creativity this year!


A full service Bakery opened literally within feet of my house this week.  It is one of those upscale places that makes specialty cakes, fancy pastries and artisan breads.  The very idea that there are cases of buttercream iced cupcakes and lobster tails and other delcious delights this.close -well, it is about to kill me.  I haven't gone yet and I am trying to show discipline, but if we don't support our local businesses, it might fail.  It is my civic DUTY to buy cinnamon rolls....right?


The Bean had his State Homeschool Testing yesterday.  I remember back when I was first aware of people that homeschooled.  Those kids had a certain lifestyle and a certain look to them - mostly do to religious beliefs or income restrictions.  The kids I saw yesterday looked like every other high school kid in the USA.  In fact, the kid that sat next to The Bean had about 85% of his hair dyed blue.  It's nice to see that kids of all sorts are homeschooled now.  I never, ever thought we would have a homeschooled kiddo, but we do.  Now, in the words of Forrest Gump, "That's all I have to say about that."  This is not a homeschool blog - I was just happy to see that all the kids looked like normal regular kids.  Which they are!

I'm off to watch Extreme Couponers.  I was proud of myself today that I saved $25.00 in coupons.  But, I will NEVER buy 400 boxes of pasta or 250 jars of Pata Sauce!


  1. Can you get a loaner car or can you reschedule your car service? Oh my! A once-a-year rummage sale!!!! Good luck!

  2. I watched the extreme coupon show and that is one more show on hording for sure. While I think it is amazing that you go from 1800.00 to 103.00 I would not use 72 bottles of mustard in my life time and I heard her husband say I don't eat it. a once a year rummage sale I couldn't miss!

  3. 'Lobster Tails' at a Bakery? that is a new one to me... and I thought I knew my way around bakeries fairly well!! YOU MUST SUPPORT THE LOCAL ECONOMY! *Especially if it is part of your DAILY walking/exercise path!!!
    Oh... the smells that will be filling your early morning back yard as you sit in your Pink glider... cinnamon... fresh bread baking... coffee brewing... OH! It could be a rough summer girl!! A definite stop enroute to early morning saling 8-)

  4. Can you tell I worked at a Donut Shop / coffee counter through High School??? (and love me coffee of ALL SORTS!!)

  5. Oh yummy -the scents that will be wafting by your house!
    I'm a couponer too, but that show is redunkulous. Unless they're donating to a food pantry or food bank, they're just plain hoarding.

  6. Who needs a car? Tie one of your granny carts to the back of a bicycle and get to that sale!

  7. I think the fates are sending you a message. Maybe you can't go to the Rummage Sale you enjoy, but you do now live super close to a fab bakery.... which you won't need a car to access. Eureka! Good luck with the car and have a great weekend!!

  8. I think you should call the church and ask them to send someone over to pick you up! Most churches will do that for Sunday service, why not for the rummage sale?? :D

  9. Can you borrow a car, heck steal a car? It is a once in a year could you stay away. I know you will be there so I will expect to see some goodies being shown. Have a good weekend.

  10. hi! i just found you thru heidi...and wanted to say hi! (i watched that couponing see how the heck people do that extreme coupon thing as our store does double coupons only on saturday..and only 5 coupons...LOL...when i saw the one lady had 30-40 years of deoderant...stockpiled...well heck...that was my giggle for the week....AND to have two rooms dedicated to the heck...nice to meet you!!!lol


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