
Sunday, April 24, 2011

No Easter for YOU!

Today is a regular ordinary day at my house.  No Easter activites for us.  We were supposed to have a family picnic at the park for our Easter.  But, the park where we were going to have our picnic is currently under water. We have had nearly nine inches of rain in as many days.  Hail nearly every day, enough thunder that the cat has been under the bed for days and more lightening strikes than I can count.  It is raining so hard right now that I can barely hear the news on TV.  It is supposed to rain for four more days, but I really don't see where on earth it is going to go!  

 I did mange to make Duckie Cupcakes.  They are delish!  And cute too, if I do say so myself.
I couldn't bring myself to eat those orange slice beaks though.  I loathe orange slices.  Orange slices, circus peanuts and those hard shelled marshmallow Hide N Seek eggs are all disgusting.  Blech.

We colored some eggs and I may have hidden them for The Bean.  It's tradition at this point.  I know he is technically "too old" but who am I to be the Easter Egg Nazi? "No eggs for YOU!"  He got a basket full of goodies including a gift card, so he did alright.  I remember the good old days when the Breadman brought me home a bunny or some chocolate.  I think he forgot he used to do that too.

We had a slight break in the raini today for about an hour so we decided to weather the elements and go to Sam's for a few items.    It was our first trip out in days.  We drove all the way across town through the puddles and drizzle.  Do you know what?  Sam's is CLOSED on Easter Sunday!  Whodathunkit!  I am glad they were closed since it is a holiday.  I just wish I would have known before we floated over there!

I suppose I will throw us together some sort of Easter Dinner.  Well, dinner at the least.  I hope everyone had a good Easter and enjoyed it more than I did!

***We will have that picnic and Easter baskets and such - it just might be ahwile!


  1. We had a very quiet easter sunday. we cancelled the family cause you know we have been sick. I don't like it quiet.
    love your cupcakes (no circus peanuts???)

  2. I love your cupcakes...I hate the orange slices too but Girl, you can send those circus peanuts over here anytime! Our Easter wasn't all that much either. Our morning and afternoon events were canceled on our end due to Professor having a fever as high as 104 and some other yuckies. The kids did get to do a treasure hunt for their baskets and special golden eggs (with $). I was up LATE getting it all pulled together since Hubs worked a 24 hour overnight shift. That was our only fun. In fact it is after 6pm and the kids are still in their jammies. AND I may have just snapped at Hubs when he asked me what was for dinner. :D

  3. Looks like your ducks have coconut on them, which means I couldn't have any. (Allergies) I don't like any of the candies you mentioned either. I also hate those nasty Peeps and jelly beans.

  4. Sorry, you had rain. Those cupcakes are so cute. And bring on the orange slices, circus peanuts , peeps and other gelatin/ marsh mellow goo. I love it all.
    After church, lunch and some rest time, we decided to tackle a long overdue fence/ gate project. Of cource we didn't have everything we needed and were surprised to find out Lowes AND Home depot closed. I'm with you. Good for them.

    Hope your week improves.


  5. Omg Shara...I know Arkansas had terrible tornadoes tonight and I'm not sure where you live in relation to that but I really hope your family is okay. The reports on the weather channel sound so scary. Please check in and let us know you guys are okay as soon as you get a chance.


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