
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday's Thrifty Finds

Today I went to the Flea Markets and "floofed the booth" as they say.  I moved almost every thing in the booth to a new location within the booth.  I pulled two big boxes of older things out and put out some new items and a whole bunch O' Easter items.  That booth is packed to the gills.  I hope someone buys something.  :) 

The best part about pulling merchandise out of the booth is that there is a thrift store directly across the street.  So, I pull it, drive over and donate it.  The booth is straightened up and the old stuff is gone - no taking it back home again.  And, you know, since I am already at the thrift store, I might as well take a spin around, right?
There were only two vintage finds - a big bag of old Alphabet Blocks and some old party hats. The blocks are destined to sell immediately on Etsy, (right Sue)? I kid. I am selling a big lot of blocks that I had already, but those are clean and crisp and new-ish looking whereas these are old and dingy and beat up and played with - and that's what I love.
Three fun vintage Crown party hats.  I may work some magic on them and sell them. 
Now this mushroom is a story.  I have looked at it once a week for almost two months.  I really liked it and it was only $1.79, but I hesitated.  Looking at it through others eyes, it is strangley phallic shaped and really sort of weird.  Would anyone else buy it?  I decided to leave it and see how low it would go and if I ended up buying it.  Today was my lucky day - it was 75% off, so I only paid about 45¢ for it. 
A local party/Home Goods store recently closed and they donated their merchandise to this Thrift.  There is a ton of new stuff  in there, which isn't really my thing.  But, I am looking at it all, because you just never know what you might find.  Like this set of Party Lights - old cars and Airstream Trailers.  Too cute!  Clearance priced  at the Party Store for $12.50 - thrift price - $1.25.
These blown glass eggs were priced $6.50 each, but I paid $2.49 for the whole lot of them.

A bunch of noisemakers for $1.29 (marked $2.50 each) and a container of wooden pick up sticks round out the days purchases.

The Party Store had a huge inventory of Beanie Babies.  I know, I know, Beanie Babies are so......ick.  But, these are brand new ones - regular sized and the larger ones - all for 75¢ each.  I recently put some of The Bean's doubles in the booth and they have all sold for $3.00 each.  I don't know if people are buying them for their kids or if they collect them or what.  But, I am thinking about hitting the thrift on Monday for half price day and buying a bunch of those new Beanie Babies.  They would only be 38¢ each and I can sell them for $3.00 each and probably $5.00 each for the bigger ones.  It would help pay my rent so I can pocket the profits from some of my cool old vintage things that I am selling.   I hate it when I see that I sold some big item and it pretty much covers the rent.  I'd like to cover the rent with junk and pocket the cash for he neat stuff. 

The garage sale ads are getting longer on Craigslist.  Garage Sale season is about to begin!  Yippee!


  1. Fabulous finds again! I love those glass eggs :o)

  2. Love, love, love those crowns! If I had them, I'd sit around wearing it all the time. Really!

  3. The eggs are so pretty! I love the air stream/car lights! So cute!


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