
Thursday, March 03, 2011

Eggstra Special Egg Swap 2011

***Swap is FULL!  Thank you!***
It's time for the Eggstra Special Egg Swap!  I hosted this swap last year and we all had a ton of fun with it.  No yolk!  You can check out last years eggs here for inspiration.

For this year's swap - we need eleven swappers to make a dozen eggs - keep one for yourself, send the other eleven to me.  I will redistribute them and then you will have a dozen beautiful eggs to enjoy for years to come!  I already have some people from last year signed up, so I only need six people - it's a small swap, but easily managed that way.

You can make something out of an egg or you can make something and put it in an egg.  Just as long as it in in egg form - it's good!

Send your eleven eggs to me so I have them in my hands on April 1st - (NO FOOLING!), so I can get them back to everyone well in advance of easter.  This allows for a late package, which I hope will not happen and a bunch of business on this end including Homes School Testing, a week out of town and a bunch of other craziness.

Send $4.00 to help with shipping.  I will box them all up and send them to you Priority, so they will arrived safely and quickly. 

If you want to join in on the swap - send an email to with Egg Swap in the title.  I will let you know by Monday if I have all the people I need or not.  Please, please, please, follow through with your end if you sign up.  If you decide you cannot follow through, let me know as soon as possible, so I can find a replacement swapper. 

So, if you think this sounds like something FUN for you do to - drop me an email!


  1. Good Morning Shara,

    Just sent you an email. I'm looking forward to this swap. It was lots of fun last year.

    Thank you for hosting it again this year.


  2. Shara, I want in, those eggs from last year are adorable! I'll send you a separate email, too so you have it. Happy Saturday! Lynn

  3. Hi Shara! Guess what the Mailmann put by the frond door ,
    A box ful of lovely eggs.
    I love love every one of them , so much talent . and there packed so pretty, ther I have to doo better negst Year , Lady' thanks you so much, can't wayt to show them of ..

  4. Hey Shara,

    I received my box of eggstra-eggciting eggs. They were all so cute. And thanks for the eggsta goodies. Next year you will have to ask more for shipping. Have a blessed Easter.



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