
Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Thrift Finds

That's two*clink* two thrift find posts in one week.  Maybe the junk gods are going to smile down on me again soon.  It's been a long winter!  I chose not to go to the Estate Sale yesterday because I knew it would be packed and I only had d certain a mount of thrifting money set aside.  Besides, I never know what I missed and I am happy with what I found. 

As it turned out, when I got to the sale, I actually knew the lady having the sale.  I see her at all the thrifts and she has sales quite often.  She owned a shop at one time, she sells on ebay and has these occassional sales from time to time.  (I suppose the word occasional explained that...)  Anywho - I had told her about Etsy and she told me today that she was loving it, so I was glad to hear that.  She had a lot of neat things, but her prices were a bit higher than I like to pay.  Not that they weren't worth what she had priced - it's just that I have this damn cheap gene and I won't pay much for junk. 

First the junk I get to keep.  And, it's not junk - it's good stuff!.  A sweet vintage aqua pottery pup, a nice matte white vase and a small flower frog.  The pottery is perfect for the pottery collection and the flower frog fits right in with my collection of frogs.

A vintage cedar cigar box - DYNAMITE.  I like to keep my crafty stuff in cigar boxes - I love the unique ones like this.  What shall I keep in it?

I was on my third and final walk through when I spotted this giant handmade key on the door frame.  It was only $1.00, so I snagged it.  Nest to it was  set of metal keys on a ring that I thought was $2.00, so I scooped them up too.  The Bean informed me they were $20.00!  Yikes!  Quite a difference in prices. 

Now for the find of the day!  Like I said, this lady knows her stuff and sells in a lot of different venues.  So, for me to find something worthy or reselling at a decent money really surprised me. 

OLD stone fruit.  Really old stone fruit.  Not that made in Mexico stuff. 

 A beautiful apple.
Two overly ripened bananas.
 A juicy ripe peach.
 A sweet nectarine.

An ready-to-eat apricot.
 And a fig. 

I love old stone fruit, but I will be listing these this weekend to sell.  They deserve to go to a good home that will treasure them.  They are really great.

So, did you find anything this week?  You did?  Spill it!

*You remember those old Certs commercials, right?


  1. Super finds! OMG, that fruit is to die for :o) Sadly, if you're selling it postage to the UK would frighten the life out of me! Hope it finds a good home though :o)

  2. Love the pottery and the humongous key! There was finally an estate sale here, and a pretty decent one too. It's about time! Can't wait for garage sale season to start!

  3. Love that green dog cute! Great find with the stone fruit!

  4. That HUGE key is amazing, it looks like it could also serve as a weapon! I also like that it's handmade.


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