
Saturday, January 15, 2011

First Thrifty Finds of 2011

It is about time!  Finally! - I thrifted a few good items in the past few days.  I know I got all those letters earlier in the week, but that was one lump find and not to keep and blah, blah, blah.  I needed a fix

Sweet JAPAN wooden Letter holder.  I found this at my Flea Market - the owners have a booth where they sell tools, stereo equipment and Made in China knives and swords at high, high prices.  Why they put this fantastic vintage item in there for only 99¢ - well, I have no idea why, but I am glad they did!
I really don't know why I always buy these old balls of crochet yarn - I have a box full in the garage.  But, I always pick them up when they are cheap.  I liked the bright colors in these - maybe I will find a project to use them in someday.  For now, I use them like twine when I wrap packages.

Huge old aluminum tea kettle with wooden handle - $1.00.  For the booth or maybe to water my flowers this summer.
I broke the NO THRIFTED PILLOWS rule on this purchase.  I never look at the pillows because they kind of skeeve me out.  But, this one caught my eye.  It is made out of a vintage Wilendur tablecloth.  It is very clean and like new.  As a tablecloth collector, as a rule, I do not like things made out of tablecloths.  I hate the thought of them being cut up.  But, since this one was already made and it had the magic price of 75¢ - home it came.  And, I am only slightly skeeved about it.  (First one to mention bedbugs is no longer my blog buddy!)
 On to other things - a nice piece of white pottery, weird five hole vase thingy (ideas?), baggie of teeny tiny cowboys and Indians and a handmade coconut husk doll.  (It was daylight when I took this photo, not sure why it looks so darn dark.)
I actually found a yard sale today.  They were down to not much, but they did have baggies of jewelry and jewelry makings on one table.  I asked how much items were and the man told me that each  baggie was $1.00.  I started gathering up baggies and filled a shoe box full.  He ended up only charging me $10.00 for it all.  It is full of lots of Native American beaded earrings, necklaces, bolo ties, a leather necklace, tons of silver (real silver) beads and lots of other items.  I've been looking for a lot of smalls to list - I think I found them. :D  The flower brooch goes straight to my collection.

I saw the nicest act of human nature I have ever witnessed in my life today.  I'll be back to share it with you tomorrow.  I'll never forget it.  There is a lot wrong with this world today, but I saw a glimmer of hope.  You'll be touched, I promise.


  1. That letter holder is just Darling!

  2. What great finds! Love that kettle - what a bargain.
    I can understand your worries about pillows, I sometimes buy second hand teddy bears and have the same worry, so I wrap them in plastic and bury them in the freezer for a day or two and that kills off anything 'unwanted'.

  3. Is the 5-hole a 'lipstick holder' for a vanity?? or just a 'fussy vase'??

    Would love to be there to dig through that box of jewelry with you 8-)!!!!! Looks like FUN!

  4. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Hello! Re: the pillow, throw it in the dryer on high for an hour or so. The heat will kill any critters. You would need to leave it for a week or 2 in the freezer to kill all possible bugs... :)

  5. here's an idea. cut up the yarn into itty bitty pieces, then make a mosaic of The Last Supper with it. Like the woman who recently did that using various shades of dryer lint. You're welcome!

  6. Your finds have me needing a thrifting adventure. All this snow has kept me in way too long Love the kettle and the white planter. Lots of fun jewelry and I do love that pillow! Gorgeous colors.

  7. Actually, it's not yarn. But you are right, it is intended to be crocheted with. It's crochet thread. And I'm firmly convinced that it is evil!

    The letter holder is so cute! I love things like that, even though I have absolutely no place for them. I'm glad that you were able to give it a home.

  8. Anonymous6:51 PM

    The pillow caught my eye too! BUT you are the one that skeeved me out! My mom lives for those boxes of jewelry. Good find. As for the five hole vase thing, you could put it on a sill and use it as a bud vase. I love the idea of using the tea kettle for a watering can. Good job, Shara!

  9. That Bambi looking letter holder is very cool--I love it!

  10. Love your twine! I think I have the exact same piece of white pottery.

  11. You broke your promise...what was the nice thing...not that I mind looking at pictures of your handsome son and pink cars...but I am wondering!!

  12. I think the 5 hole vase "thingy" is a tulipiere.


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