
Saturday, January 29, 2011


Today I bought a brand new washing machine.

I am very excited over this. 

And, that makes me a little bit sad. 

It should really take something BIG to make me this excited.



Not a washing machine.


I guess it's true.  I really am a Stay at Home MOM.

With loads and loads of smelly Breadman laundry.

Oh wellz.

**The old one was 19 years old, but still running like a charm.  Just time to get a bigger one that actually matches the dryer we bought last year.

Back tomorrow with an adventure that lead to the FIRST YARD SALE OF 2011.  (And it was sort of a bust, but that's okay.)


  1. Hey, if you are going to spend BIG $$ on something NEW - glad you can get excited over it!!! - 'ENJOY' ;-)
    Can't wait to hear about an actual YARD SALE!!!! (I would like to just 'see' a YARD (ie: grass !!)

  2. Enjoy! It makes a BIG difference having a big washer-I got super excited when we got ours and I still love it every time I use it!!

    I'm sooo jealous that you have yard sales already!! How fun!!!

  3. annabel528:20 AM

    If you gotta do laundry, you might as well enjoy it.
    Yard sale? Please tell me you are kidding. I am so jealous!!!

  4. I got excited when I was able to get the LG Steam washer and dryer, so I completely understand, lol. There was a garage sale in my neighborhood yesterday also, but unfortunately it was a lot of plastic containers which I do NOT need anymore of!

  5. Oh girl, I'm not a stay at home mom and I'd LOVE a new washer! One of those fancy front loader types. Yeah, in RED. Oh yeah, that's the stuff. ;)

    Love your moving sale adventure. the New Yorker in me would have given them the finger. Just kidding. Maybe.

    PS - I have one of those Irmi mobiles, so stinkin' cute!


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