
Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Year in Junk - 2010

Here is my annual "Best of Show" year in review for my Junk.  I bought a lot less this year and what I actually kept was even less. I only kept what I truly loved - as you can see from the photos. I think I made some good choices!

Wonderful old porcelain topped table - $5.00. 

Sweet little wooden German girls with flowers - 50¢.

Fabulous vintage child's hanger - nabbed from the FREE bin at the Super Cheap Thrift.

Rushton doll - 50¢.

Adorable hanging lamp - $10.00.

Perfect aqua planter - 25¢.

TWO Redman picnic baskets - FREE via my wonderful Aunt Dorothy. 

Sweet vintage embroidered baby bib - 25¢.

Three vintage packages of Mica Flakes - $5.00.

The junking highlight of my year.  I drove past a yard full of "stuff" and discovered that it was a garage sale at a house that had been shut up since 1995.  The entire contents dated from the 1960's.  The house was packed.  I filled my car to the brim twice for $25.00 each.  I spent $50.00 and have sold a very small part of those items for about $150.00.  It was the single best sale of my life and I am still kicking myself for not buying more - and really for not just offering something for the whole lot.  They were throwing more things into the dumpster more that they were selling.  It made my stomach hurt to see huge boxes of old postcards, books and papers hit the dumpster.  I got a lot of really cool old stuff, but the memory of that sale will hold me for a long time. 

So, here's to 2011.  Better junk for us all! 


  1. Wonderful choices of your favs. Come join in the JFF party at my blog! I'm showing my top 10 junkin finds!

  2. Cheers to you! You have fabulous taste!

  3. The hanging lamp is bloody awesome!

  4. Yep, 2010 was a good year for you in the MonkeyBox Biz! Love that story on your Header! I know everyone of us would FLIP over finding an estate sale like the one you found. My goodness what a treat...I'd have been a DumpsterDiver for sure! Hope 2011 is great for you...Happy New Year!

  5. WOW....You did great!!!! Could I please have that table and the mica flakes???? LOL Really, it had to be sucha rush finding some of these things! That table here in Phoenix, would have bee, 150.00 not 5.00! I have to move! LOL

  6. great finds! i love that hanger - can't believe it was free!!

  7. You certainly are very discerning in your choice of keepers. The table is just darling and that sale sounds like it would have been so cool.


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